A friendly IDE to develop HTML5 games based on the Phaser framework.
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Add video into scene file
#163 opened by cashh-money - 0
missing names at instances
#161 opened by MerlinEl - 1
Command Palette closes when using arrow keys
#160 opened by michaelgundlach - 3
Scene editor: generates invalid variable's name.
#153 opened by Marchiuzzz - 1
Point / Path / Polygon tool feature
#159 opened by jorgeovi - 1
Renaming a scene doesn't copy user code
#157 opened by DeanoC - 1
Prefabs: constructor ordering of custom definition props and START-USER-CTR-CODE
#158 opened by jrabek - 2
- 3
Images are blury
#154 opened by Marchiuzzz - 4
error, please, help me!
#147 opened - 7
Error with Property/Fields in typescript class
#148 opened by ArnaudDroxler - 0
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Game Object Name Not Saved When Scene Is Saved
#144 opened by Cartrell - 3
My scene does not work
#143 opened by GrInPiS - 3
Add non java included download [fixed]
#133 opened by czho - 4
mouse cursor lost
#142 opened by mehmetAliAytekin - 1
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Click behavior glitch
#132 opened by j2l - 0
Help menu link to create issue has the old url
#130 opened by PhaserEditor2D - 5
implementing box2d plugin
#140 opened by bhnh - 1
2.1.1 INSERT CODE HERE ... and there
#131 opened by j2l - 1
"Uncaught ReferenceError: game is not defined" - And other basic stuff.
#116 opened by Blue-Pilkinton-Ching - 1
Right click menu
#123 opened by zombiestruck - 16
I noticed the GPU went loco with PhaserEditor
#127 opened by j2l - 3
Freemium limitation popup with only 3 Images
#129 opened by PhaserEditor2D - 5
Cannot drag textures to .atlas file
#141 opened by ninooooonin - 5
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- 1
- 3
How to import js modules to the Phaser Editor
#136 opened by dedalik - 2
Icon in Project Explorer shows error, we could use an indication of the specific error.
#135 opened by tfsJoe - 4
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In pack.json, deleting an asset, and then undoing the deletion updates the UI but does not actually revert the underlying json text.
#126 opened by dinostabOMG - 3
Pack.json copyright
#128 opened by PhaserEditor2D - 8
Some files are not served to browser
#109 opened by Thaval - 5
Update fails on unexpected checksum
#125 opened by ehnolte - 1
Spelling mistake on Atlas Generator Tool tip
#118 opened by bfountaine - 15
Adding bitmap text does not work
#112 opened by Kababaer - 1
BitmapText item doesn't display in the right place when re-opening canvas file
#124 opened by bfountaine - 0
PixelArt checkbox doesn't work
#115 opened by RANUX - 2
No right click menu
#122 opened by zombiestruck - 3
Generated typescript creates compile error when setting scale on bitmaptext
#119 opened by bfountaine - 2
Optional parameters in constructor not generated as optional when extending class.
#117 opened by bfountaine - 3
Automatic updates MacOS v2.0.1
#114 opened by RANUX - 1
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Do actions for multiple/all sprites at once
#107 opened by Thaval - 1
pack.json not found -> MISSING ASSET
#106 opened by Thaval - 3
[v2] Default preferences are not saved
#105 opened by RiCoTeRoX