
Depixel url from chrome

Primary LanguagePython

Depixling urls from chrome

Saw a pixeled url in a presentation. I attempted to read it by brute-forcing different options and seeing which one matches best.

With some brain power one can figure out the correct one given the results - but - it is bad at identifying "." so it won't give the right value.

Use create_t1.py to "train" (i.e match the font size, color, image size etc) against the given pixeled image (assuming the image starts with known text: "https://").

Then put the result in variable i of bf_t1.py and brute force the rest.

Note: This is a POC and horribly slow. It works if used correctly. Note: No AI here, only bruteforce with some measurments to identify if it's going the right direction.

Lessons learned

  • Don't pixel urls, just put a black box over them!
  • Dont use python for things that need some speed