OpenOCD demo in OpenBMC


This is how to get a "dummy" software only openOCD debug stack running on OpenBMC

Step 1: Include OpenOCD into your local conf.

First thing we need is to add OpenOCD into the scope of our BMC build. Thankfully someone has contributed a OpenOCD recipe into Yocto/OpenEmbbded. Unfortunately the setup is slightly out of date, but we'll update it.

add IMAGE_INSTALL += "openocd" into your conf file.

if you've already exported your conf ($export TEMPLATECONF=meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/conf) put it into ../openbmc/build/conf/local.conf


if you'd like to add this to every build for the machine add it to the <path_to_machine_conf>/local.conf.sample an example: ../openbmc/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/conf/local.conf.sample

Step 2: update the OpenOCD BB

next we need to update the OpenOCD Bitbake recipe in ../openbmc/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-devtools/openocd/ At the time of writing this, I set it to pull the latest commit from master: SRCREV_openocd = "7a93c9e087b7cb0444068a3deb506eb127f758f0"

Also you need to update libjaylink, simply update the SRCREV +SRCREV_libjaylink = "835e45b1a464d1ef053591aacffb3c86a4e12169"

I add the dummy interface so that we can start openOCD stack with no real hardware EXTRA_OECONF = "--enable-ftdi --disable-doxygen-html --enable-dummy" Extra_OECONF is where you would add options you’d normally add to the OpenOCD configure step

Step 3: add Conf within QEMU (this should be able to be automated)

for now, we need to locate the installed OpenOCD scripts, which are .tcl files. a simple $ find / *.tcl should be able to point you in the right direction two examples, where I moved them to my home directory to make them easier to work with. root@witherspoon:~# cp -r /media/rofs-704e5dc2/usr/share/openocd/scripts/ ~ root@palmetto:~# cp -r /run/initramfs/ro/usr/share/openocd/scripts/ ~

create a new openocd.cfg with the contents

adapter_khz 10

This adapter_khz value is just for dummy debugging, and we are exposing openOCD to the network with bindto

Step 4: run OpenOCD with configs

dummy example: root@witherspoon:~# openocd -f openocd.cfg -f scripts/interface/dummy.cfg -f scripts/board/arm_evaluator7t.cfg