Narrate My Tweets Chrome Extension


Narrate My Tweets is a Chrome extension designed to enhance the Twitter experience by providing text-to-speech functionality. It captures the visible tweets on the user's Twitter feed and narrates them using OpenAI's GPT-4 and Text-to-Speech APIs.


  • Text-to-Speech: Converts tweets into spoken words.
  • Customizable Voice: Users can select from various voices for narration.
  • Toggle Narration: Easily enable or disable narration.


  1. Clone the Repository: Clone this repository to your local machine.

    git clone
  2. Install Dependencies: Navigate to the cloned directory and install necessary dependencies.

    cd narrate-my-tweets
    npm install
  3. Set Up OpenAI API Key:

    • Create a .env file in the root directory.
    • Add your OpenAI API key to the .env file:
  4. Start the Server:

    node app.js
  5. Load the Extension in Chrome:

    • Open Chrome and navigate to chrome://extensions/.
    • Enable "Developer mode".
    • Click "Load unpacked" and select the narrate-my-tweets directory.


  • Navigate to Twitter.
  • Click on the extension icon to open the popup.
  • Toggle narration and select a voice.
  • Scroll through your Twitter feed to hear tweets narrated.


Contributions to the Narrate My Tweets extension are welcome! Feel free to open pull requests or submit issues for bugs and feature requests.


MIT License