
Get emails from the latest yc batches

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Founders List Application


The 'founders_list' application is designed to automate the process of gathering information about the newest startups from Y Combinator's company list. It retrieves the latest two batches of companies, uses the Hunter.io API to find email information for each company, and saves the collected data into a CSV file for easy access and analysis.

Setup Instructions


  • Node.js (v10.0 or higher)
  • npm (v6.0 or higher)
  • An API key from Hunter.io


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

    git clone https://github.com/example/founders_list.git
  2. Navigate to the cloned directory:

    cd founders_list
  3. Install the necessary npm packages:

    npm install
  4. Create and configure your .env file in the root directory with your Hunter.io API key:

    HUNTER_API_KEY=your_api_key_here // INPUT_REQUIRED {Provide your actual Hunter.io API key}

Running the Application

To start the application, run the following command:

npm start

This will initiate a cron job which executes the data retrieval and email lookup process at scheduled intervals.

Usage Guide with Examples

This application runs autonomously once started. However, you can trigger the scraping and email retrieval process manually by running the main.js script:

node src/main.js

Upon execution, the script will:

  • Scrape the latest two batches of companies from Y Combinator.
  • Retrieve email information for each company using Hunter.io's API.
  • Save the acquired data into a CSV file named companies.csv in the current directory.

Example of the CSV output:

Batch,Name,Description,Email,First Name,Last Name
W24,Retell AI,Helping AI speak like humans,neville.bird@retell.co.uk,Neville,Bird

Application Functionality

The 'founders_list' application consists of the following modules:

  • A scraper (src/scrapeWithPuppeteer.js) that navigates to the specified Y Combinator URL, retrieves company data, and parses it using Cheerio and Puppeteer.
  • An email finder (src/hunterApi.js) that queries the Hunter.io API to find email contact information for each company.
  • A CSV writer (src/utils/csvUtils.js) that formats the retrieved information into a CSV file.

For advanced usage and understanding of the internal mechanisms of the application, developers may refer to the following files:

  • src/cronScheduler.js: To understand how the application's tasks are scheduled.
  • src/scrapeWithPuppeteer.js and src/scraper.js: To dive into the web scraping logic.
  • src/hunterApi.js: For email retrieval process.
  • src/utils/csvUtils.js: For CSV file generation logic.


Refer to the Troubleshooting section for guidance on common issues.


Contributions to the 'founders_list' application are welcome. Please refer to the individual files mentioned in the application functionality section for the related code. Ensure you follow the project's coding standards and guidelines.


In case of encountering errors during the use of the application, please refer to the application logs located at logs/app.log. Common errors might include:

  • HTTP Errors when accessing the Hunter.io API: These can be due to rate limiting, incorrect API key, or connectivity issues. Check your .env file for correct credentials and ensure you are within API usage limits.

  • Web Scraping Errors: Incorrect or updated DOM structures on the Y Combinator website may cause the scraper to fail. Check the selectors used in src/scrapeWithPuppeteer.js for accuracy.

Refer to src/utils/logger.js for the logging mechanism and logs/app.log for a record of errors and operations.