.Net MVC wrapper for Chart.Js V 2 charting library
line, bar, horizontal bar, radar, polar area, pie, doughnut
//set Y-Axis values
var yAxis = new List { 1, 5, 6, 3, 6 };
//set X-Axis values
var xAxis = new List { "One", "Five", "Six", "Three", "Six" };
//create a dataset for the y-axis value
var dataset = new DataSet {
Data = yAxis,
//set background color if you want different colors xAxis values
//setting a single background color e.g. BackgroundColor = ChartJs.Mvc.Extensions.ColorConverter.GetHexValue(Color.Blue), will use the same color for all xAxis values
BackgroundColor = new List<string> {
//if there is need to fill the color e.g in bar and pie charts
Fill = true,
Label = "Series of numbers",
//the type of chart to draw with the dataset
Type = Chart.ChartType.bar.ToString(),
//create an instance of the chart
var chart = new Chart {
//accepts a list of datasets. A dataset represents a chart to be plotted on the canvas
Data = new DataProperty
Datasets = new List<DataSet> { dataset },
Labels = xAxis
Type = Chart.ChartType.bar.ToString(),
//option property for the chart
Options = option
//pass the chart to the view
return View("ChartDisplay", chart);
//import ChartJs.Mvc
@using ChartJs.Mvc.Extensions;
//display the chart in a div //you need to create a canvas with an id and use the id when creating the chart
<div class="row panel panel-chart">
<canvas class="text-center" id="SampleChart" height="500" width="500"></canvas>
@Html.CreateChartJs("SampleChart", Model)
Title - set tiltle of the chart.
Responsive - sets if the chart should be responsive to the view.
Legend - where and if the legend should show.
Scales - scaling for the Y-Axis
internal static OptionProperty ChartJsDualYOptions(string text = "", string axes1Id = "y1", string axes2Id = "y2")
return new OptionProperty
Title = new ChartTitle { Display = true, Text = text, FontSize = 18 },
Responsive = false,
Legend = new LegendProperty { Position = "bottom" },
Scales = new Scale
XAxes = new List<Axes> { new Axes { GridLines = new GridLine { Display = false } } },
YAxes = new List<Axes> {
new Axes { Id = axes1Id, Display = true, Position = "left", GridLines = new GridLine { Display = true }, Ticks = new Tick { BeginAtZero = true } },
new Axes { Id = axes2Id, Display = true, Position = "right", GridLines = new GridLine { Display = true }, Ticks = new Tick { BeginAtZero = true } }