This is a MVP monorepo for what a generator-based init experience for algokit could look like.

The goal is to create a base template with generators that can be ran at any time to add functionality.


  1. Clone this repo
  2. Run algokit generate typescript to generate the base typescript files
  3. Run algokit generate tealscript and/or algokit generate react to generate the tealscript and/or react files
  4. Run algokit bootstrap all to install dependencies and setup .env

Sanity Test

Run all the generators and their associated npm scripts

algokit generate typescript &&\
    algokit generate tealscript &&\
    algokit generate react &&\
    algokit bootstrap all &&\
    npm run compile-contracts &&\
    npm run generate-clients &&\
    npm run test &&\
    npm run dev