
This is the dataset and code for paper "Generating Music with Emotions"

Primary LanguagePython


This is the code for paper "Generating Music with Emotions". Full version with datasets can be downloaded by using this google drive link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_kLkFcaVbgzIu9Ck3V4ME9xbPCSBrHMX/view?usp=sharing

The paired lyric-melody datasets are in the file “lyrics_datasets_v3”. All the datasets are stored in the .npy format.

Syllable-level and word-level skip-gram models with different embedding dimensions are stored in the file “Skip-gram_lyric_encoders”.

The code for training the dataset annotator by using GoEmotions dataset and Edmonds Dance dataset is shown in the file “Annotator”. To run this code, torch==1.4.0, transformers==2.11.0, attrdict==2.0.1 are required. This code is like https://github.com/monologg/GoEmotions-pytorch, so you can refer to this GitHub repository for more details.

The code for training the classifier by using EMOPIA dataset is shown in the file “EMOPIA_cls”. To run this code, torch==1.8.0 is required. You can also refer to https://annahung31.github.io/EMOPIA/ for more details.

The code for music emotion classifier, lyric and melody generator and emotional beam search algorithm are also attached. To run this code, torch==1.9.0 is required.

For training the music emotion classifier, please first run “lyrics_datasets_v3/splitdata.py”, then run “LSTM_cls.py” and “Transformer_cls.py”.

For training the lyric and melody generator, please run “GRU_generator.py” and “Transformer_generator.py”.

For using the EBS algorithm to generate music segments, please run “GRU_EBS.py” and “Transformer_EBS.py”.