This is a rust program to simulate bounded confidence opinion dynamics models, in particular:
- Hegselmann-Krause on a complete network with the tree-based alogrithm.
- Hegselmann-Krause on networks.
- Hegselmann-Krause with costs.
- Deffuant model on networks.
- Deffuant model generalized to hypergraphs.
Also some unfinished experiments.
It was used in the following publications (all open access):
- When open mindedness hinders consensus, Hendrik Schawe, Laura Hernández, Scientific Reports 10, 8273 (2020)
- Collective effects of the cost of opinion change, Hendrik Schawe, Laura Hernández, Scientific Reports 10, 13825 (2020)
- When network bridges foster consensus. Bounded confidence models in networked societies, Hendrik Schawe, Sylvain Fontaine, Laura Hernández, Physical Review Research 3, 023208 (2021)
Install rust, compile and run it like:
# curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
cargo build --release
target/release/hk -h
Simulate a (modified) Hegselmann Krause model
hk [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --num-agents <num-agents> [SUBCOMMAND]
--betweenness switch whether to measure and save an approximation of the maximum betweenness centrality of
the active graph over the whole simulation
-h, --help Prints help information
--png switch whether to save an image of the topology in the initial and final state will be
`outname` with a .png extention
--scc also calculate SCC cluster (needs more memory to hold a graph structure)
--sync synchronous update instead of random sequential
-V, --version Prints version information
--eta <eta> weight of cost [default: 0.01]
-i, --iterations <iterations> number of sweeps to run the simulation [default: 100]
--max-resources <max-resources> maximal resources for HKCost [default: 1]
-u, --max-tolerance <max-tolerance>
maximum tolerance of agents (uniformly distributed) [default: 1.0]
--min-resources <min-resources> minimal resources for HKCost [default: 0]
-l, --min-tolerance <min-tolerance>
minimum tolerance of agents (uniformly distributed) [default: 0.0]
-m, --model <model>
which model to simulate:
1 -> Hegselmann Krause
3 -> HK with active cost
5 -> HK with passive cost
9 -> Deffuant Weisbuch
10 -> Only topology information
11 -> Hyper-Deffuant with rewiring
12 -> HK with periodic opinion
[default: 1] [possible values: 1, 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12]
-n, --num-agents <num-agents> number of interacting agents
-o, --outname <outname> name of the output data file [default: out]
--resource-distribution <resource-distribution>
distribution of the resources c_i:
1 => uniform between min and max
2 => pareto with exponent -2.5
3 => proportional to the tolerances but with same average total resources
4 => antiproportional to the tolerances but with same average total resources
5 => half-Gaussian with std of `--max-resources`
[default: 1] [possible values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
--rewiring-modus <rewiring-modus>
rewiring modus (only for the rewiring Deffuant on hypergraphs):
1 => join a random edge when frustrated
2 => join a random edge of the best neighbor
[default: 1] [possible values: 1, 2]
--samples <samples> number of times to repeat the simulation [default: 1]
-s, --seed <seed> seed to use for the simulation [default: 1]
-T, --temperature <temperature> temperature (only for fixed temperature 8) [default: 1.0]
--tmp <tmp> directory to store temporary files [default: ./tmp]
--tolerance-distribution <tolerance-distribution>
distribution of the tolerances epsilon_i:
1 => uniform between min and max
2 => bimodal: half min, half max
3 => 15% of agents at x(0) = 0.25+-0.05, with confidence eps = 0.075+-0.05
4 => gaussian: min -> mean, max -> variance
5 => pareto: min -> lower bound (scale), max -> exponent (= shape+1)
6 => power law: min -> lower bound, max -> upper bound, exponent: 2.5
[default: 1] [possible values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
--topology <topology>
1 => fully connected
2 => Erdoes Renyi
3 => Barabasi Albert
4 => biased Configuration Model
5 => correct Configuration Model
6 => periodic square lattice (num_agents needs to be a perfect square)
7 => Watts-Strogatz small world network on a ring
8 => Watts-Strogatz small world network on a square lattice
9 => BA+Triangles
10 => Hyper-Erdoes-Renyi
11 => Hyper-Erdoes-Renyi, Simplical Complex
12 => Hyper-Barabasi-Albert
13 => Hyper-Erdoes-Renyi, 2 hypergraph orders
14 => Hyper-Erdoes-Renyi, Gaussian distributed orders
15 => Hypergraph with nearest neighbor square lattice structure, c = 12, k = 3
16 => Hypergraph with third nearest neighbor square lattice structure, c = 15, k = 5
17 => Watts-Strogatz small world network on a Hypergraph with third nearest neighbor square lattice
structure, c = 12, k = 3
[default: 1] [possible values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17]
--topology-parameter <topology-parameter>
dependent on topology:
fully connected: unused
Erdoes Renyi: connectivity
Barabasi Albert: mean degree
Configuration Model: exponent (must be negative)
square lattice: n-th nearest neighbors
Watts Strogatz: n-th nearest neighbors
BA+Triangles: m
HyperBA: m
Hyper-ER 2: c1
Hyper-ER Gaussian: c (scale factor)
Hyper-WS: rewiring probability
[default: 1]
--topology-parameter2 <topology-parameter2>
dependent on topology:
Configuration Model: minimum degree
square lattice: unused
Watts Strogatz: rewiring probability
BA+Triangles: m_t
HyperBA: k
Hyper-ER 2: c2
Hyper-ER Gaussian: mean mu
[default: 1]
--topology-parameter3 <topology-parameter3> Hyper-ER Gaussian: standard deviation sigma
[default: 1]
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
metropolis use biased Metropolis sampling
wang-landau use biased Wang Landau sampling