
Primary LanguageRust

Bounded Confidence Simulation

This is a rust program to simulate bounded confidence opinion dynamics models, in particular:

  • Hegselmann-Krause on a complete network with the tree-based alogrithm.
  • Hegselmann-Krause on networks.
  • Hegselmann-Krause with costs.
  • Deffuant model on networks.
  • Deffuant model generalized to hypergraphs.

Also some unfinished experiments.

It was used in the following publications (all open access):

  1. When open mindedness hinders consensus, Hendrik Schawe, Laura Hernández, Scientific Reports 10, 8273 (2020)
  2. Collective effects of the cost of opinion change, Hendrik Schawe, Laura Hernández, Scientific Reports 10, 13825 (2020)
  3. When network bridges foster consensus. Bounded confidence models in networked societies, Hendrik Schawe, Sylvain Fontaine, Laura Hernández, Physical Review Research 3, 023208 (2021)


Install rust, compile and run it like:

# curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
cargo build --release
target/release/hk -h


Simulate a (modified) Hegselmann Krause model

    hk [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --num-agents <num-agents> [SUBCOMMAND]

        --betweenness    switch whether to measure and save an approximation of the maximum betweenness centrality of
                         the active graph over the whole simulation
    -h, --help           Prints help information
        --png            switch whether to save an image of the topology in the initial and final state will be
                         `outname` with a .png extention
        --scc            also calculate SCC cluster (needs more memory to hold a graph structure)
        --sync           synchronous update instead of random sequential
    -V, --version        Prints version information

        --eta <eta>                                          weight of cost [default: 0.01]
    -i, --iterations <iterations>                            number of sweeps to run the simulation [default: 100]
        --max-resources <max-resources>                      maximal resources for HKCost [default: 1]
    -u, --max-tolerance <max-tolerance>
            maximum tolerance of agents (uniformly distributed) [default: 1.0]

        --min-resources <min-resources>                      minimal resources for HKCost [default: 0]
    -l, --min-tolerance <min-tolerance>
            minimum tolerance of agents (uniformly distributed) [default: 0.0]

    -m, --model <model>
            which model to simulate:
             1 -> Hegselmann Krause
             3 -> HK with active cost
             5 -> HK with passive cost
             9 -> Deffuant Weisbuch
             10 -> Only topology information
             11 -> Hyper-Deffuant with rewiring
             12 -> HK with periodic opinion
             [default: 1]  [possible values: 1, 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12]
    -n, --num-agents <num-agents>                            number of interacting agents
    -o, --outname <outname>                                  name of the output data file [default: out]
        --resource-distribution <resource-distribution>
            distribution of the resources c_i:
             1 => uniform between min and max
             2 => pareto with exponent -2.5
             3 => proportional to the tolerances but with same average total resources
             4 => antiproportional to the tolerances but with same average total resources
             5 => half-Gaussian with std of `--max-resources`
             [default: 1]  [possible values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
        --rewiring-modus <rewiring-modus>
            rewiring modus (only for the rewiring Deffuant on hypergraphs):
             1 => join a random edge when frustrated
             2 => join a random edge of the best neighbor
             [default: 1]  [possible values: 1, 2]
        --samples <samples>                                  number of times to repeat the simulation [default: 1]
    -s, --seed <seed>                                        seed to use for the simulation [default: 1]
    -T, --temperature <temperature>                          temperature (only for fixed temperature 8) [default: 1.0]
        --tmp <tmp>                                          directory to store temporary files [default: ./tmp]
        --tolerance-distribution <tolerance-distribution>
            distribution of the tolerances epsilon_i:
             1 => uniform between min and max
             2 => bimodal: half min, half max
             3 => 15% of agents at x(0) = 0.25+-0.05, with confidence eps = 0.075+-0.05
             4 => gaussian: min -> mean, max -> variance
             5 => pareto: min -> lower bound (scale), max -> exponent (= shape+1)
             6 => power law: min -> lower bound, max -> upper bound, exponent: 2.5
             [default: 1]  [possible values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
        --topology <topology>
             1 => fully connected
             2 => Erdoes Renyi
             3 => Barabasi Albert
             4 => biased Configuration Model
             5 => correct Configuration Model
             6 => periodic square lattice (num_agents needs to be a perfect square)
             7 => Watts-Strogatz small world network on a ring
             8 => Watts-Strogatz small world network on a square lattice
             9 => BA+Triangles
             10 => Hyper-Erdoes-Renyi
             11 => Hyper-Erdoes-Renyi, Simplical Complex
             12 => Hyper-Barabasi-Albert
             13 => Hyper-Erdoes-Renyi, 2 hypergraph orders
             14 => Hyper-Erdoes-Renyi, Gaussian distributed orders
             15 => Hypergraph with nearest neighbor square lattice structure, c = 12, k = 3
             16 => Hypergraph with third nearest neighbor square lattice structure, c = 15, k = 5
             17 => Watts-Strogatz small world network on a Hypergraph with third nearest neighbor square lattice
            structure, c = 12, k = 3
             [default: 1]  [possible values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17]
        --topology-parameter <topology-parameter>
            dependent on topology:
             fully connected: unused
             Erdoes Renyi: connectivity
             Barabasi Albert: mean degree
             Configuration Model: exponent (must be negative)
             square lattice: n-th nearest neighbors
             Watts Strogatz: n-th nearest neighbors
             BA+Triangles: m
             HyperBA: m
             Hyper-ER 2: c1
             Hyper-ER Gaussian: c (scale factor)
             Hyper-WS: rewiring probability
             [default: 1]
        --topology-parameter2 <topology-parameter2>
            dependent on topology:
             Configuration Model: minimum degree
             square lattice: unused
             Watts Strogatz: rewiring probability
             BA+Triangles: m_t
             HyperBA: k
             Hyper-ER 2: c2
             Hyper-ER Gaussian: mean mu
             [default: 1]
        --topology-parameter3 <topology-parameter3>          Hyper-ER Gaussian: standard deviation sigma
                                                              [default: 1]

    help           Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    metropolis     use biased Metropolis sampling
    wang-landau    use biased Wang Landau sampling