Basic mod that by default disables the Join/Leave messages on a server. Configuration shown below allows a lot of flexibility to messages sent.
Supports Fabric & Forge 1.18.2 1.19.3+
# WARNING: Enables debug for all server logs
debug = false
# use %p to replace the players name.
# use %o for the old players name (only available on rename)
# colors work with the same system as Minecraft MOTD
# Send a message when a player joins a server for the first time
first_join_message_enabled = false
# Defaults to in game join message if set to false
custom_first_join_message = false
custom_first_join_message_text = \u00a75\u00a7lWelcome to our server for the first time %p!
# Send a message the first time a player joins after changing their minecraft name
rename_message_enabled = false
custom_rename_message = false
custom_rename_message_text = Hello %o or should I say %p!
# Send a message anytime a player joins the server
# Is NOT sent with the first join message
join_message_enabled = false
custom_join_message = false
custom_join_message_text = Hello again %p!
# Send a message anytime a player leaves the server
leave_message_enabled = false
custom_leave_message = false
custom_leave_message_text = \u00a7e\u00a7l%p signs off!
# Send a private message when the player first joins.
private_first_join_message = false
private_first_join_message_text = Glad you are here %p! If you need any help just let us know!
# Send a message only to the user who signed on.
# Is NOT sent with the first private join message
private_join_message = false
private_join_message_text = Welcome back %p! If you need any help just let us know!
Never required, but always appreciated.