
Prototype & Scriptaculous implementation of the OS X growl notification bubbles

Primary LanguageJavaScript

== Description == 

prototypeGrowl is an implementation of the Mac OS X Growl notification system using the Prototype javascript library.

== Authors ==

Craig P Jolicoeur <cpjolicoeur@gmail.com - http://github.com/cpjolicoeur>
Thomas Reynolds <tdreyno@gmail.com - http://github.com/tdreyno>

== Version ==

1.0 - Released March 13, 2009

== Usage ==

To create a new growl use the following code:

    var growl = new Growl.Smoke;
    growl.show( {option: value} );

To create a new growl with the bezel format, use the following code:

    var growl = new Growl.Bezel;
    growl.show( {option: value} );

The following option:value pairs can be set with both Growl.Smoke and Growl.Bezel:

    image: 		'path to image file to use in growl bubble' 
    title: 		'title of growl bubble'
    content:	'message for growl bubble'
    autohide:	time in seconds to display the growl bubble (set to 0 to keep visible until clicked)
    animated:	time in seconds of fade in / fade out animation (set to 0 to prevent animation)
    opacity:	value from 0 - 1 of opacity of growl bubble

== Demo ==

A full demonstration page is available at http://craigjolicoeur.com/projects/prototypegrowl/

== Contributors ==

Sebastian Ryszard Kruk <http://www.knowledgehives.com/> - Growl.Bezel support

== Misc ==

Many thanks to the following javascript growl implementations for ideas and inspiration:

Window.Growl (mootools) - http://icebeat.bitacoras.com/mootools/growl/
protoGrowl (prototype)  - http://www.midgard-project.org/documentation/protogrowl
Growl (jquery)          - http://alexsancho.name/archives/2006/11/windowgrowl-con-jquery/
yowl (YUI)              - http://code.google.com/p/yowl/

== TODO ==

* If using Effects, do a sanity check to make sure the needed libraries are included.