Build status NuGet

Test environment with Docker containers

Pre requirements

You need docker to be installed on your machine. Tested both on Windows and Linux.


Run this in your package manager console:

 Install-Package TestEnvironment.Docker

To add container specific functionality for MSSQL, Elasticsearch or MongoDB:

 Install-Package TestEnvironment.Docker.Containers.Elasticsearch
 Install-Package TestEnvironment.Docker.Containers.Mssql
 Install-Package TestEnvironment.Docker.Containers.Mongo
 Install-Package TestEnvironment.Docker.Containers.Mail
 Install-Package TestEnvironment.Docker.Containers.Ftp
 Install-Package TestEnvironment.Docker.Containers.MariaDB
 Install-Package TestEnvironment.Docker.Containers.Postgres


// Create the environment using builder pattern.
var environment = new DockerEnvironmentBuilder()
    .AddContainer("my-nginx", "nginx")
    .AddMssqlContainer("my-mssql", "HelloK11tt_0")
    .AddFromDockerfile("from-file", "Dockerfile", containerWaiter: new HttpContainerWaiter("/", httpPort: 8080))

// Up it.
await environment.Up();

// Play with containers.
var mssql = environment.GetContainer<MssqlContainer>("my-mssql");
var elastic = environment.GetContainer<ElasticsearchContainer>("my-elastic");
var postgres = environment.GetContainer<PostgresContainer>("my-postgres");

// Down it.
await environment.Down();

// Dispose (remove).


In case of unpredictable behaviour try to remove the containers manually via command line:

 docker rm -f (docker ps -a -q)

If you use AddFromDockerfile() then it is recommended to prune images time to time:

 docker image prune -f

Ideally, use the --filter option on the docker image prune commandline task. Simply add LABEL "CI_BUILD=True" in your Dockerfile, and force delete all images with that LABEL:

 docker image prune -f --filter "CI_BUILD=True"

Release Notes

  • Implement IAsyncDisposable interface.