
Easily switches between remote CrashPlan instances (via SSH) or local

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Easily switches between remote CrashPlan instances (via SSH) or local from Windows

Paths are all hard coded, so it only works on Windows 64, with CrashPlan installed for all users.

#Set up

  • Copy your .ui_info file to .ui_info.local. (On \ProgramData\CrashPlan)
    • .ui_info will get overwritten on every CPSwitcher launch
  • You need to have your private/public SSH keys set up on PROFILE\.ssh\id_rsa
  • You need to have those keys listed on the authorized_keys file on each remote machine
  • ssh terminal command must exist (tried briefly to create tunnels with a few libraries to no avail, so...)

#How to use ###For Local Admin cpswitcher local ###For Remote Admin cpswitcher SERVER USERNAME

It will copy .ui_info via SSH and overwrite the local .ui_info, create a ssh tunnel, and launch the admin interface.

#To do

  • Make it less hard coded
  • Use a library to create the SSH tunnel, so I don't have to invoke the ssh process
  • Make it work on other platforms?