
Windows registry editor, for things such as Custom Control Panel Entries, colors that were removed from the option to change when Win7/8 upgraded to Win10, Disabling that Retard Cortana, BSOD Keystrokes, Startup Notices, etc...

Primary LanguagePowerShell

         Windows Registry Editor

This is a program to edit the Windows Registry for Windows 10
In theory it would work with Windows 7/8 but dont expect 100% compatibility.

Run RUNME.BAT with admin privledges!!!!!!!!

If you get an error saying 
File cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system. For more information, see
about_Execution_Policies at https:/go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=135170.
    + CategoryInfo          : SecurityError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnauthorizedAccess

1. Click the windows button and type powershell.
2. In the little menu on tthe right, click run as administrator.
3. type this commmand:	set-executionpolicy unrestricted
4. At the prompt press Y to enable the script.
5. Now the script will run!! 

	Hilgiht  Editor
	Custom Control Panel Entries
	Disable Cortana 
	Disable WU Force reboot while online 
	Hilgiht  Editor
	Custom Control Panel Entries
	Disable Cortana	
	Disable WU Force reboot while online 
	BSOD keystroke
	Custom Startup Menu Text
	Disable bing search in searchbar
	Disable Lock Screen

Hilight Editor - A tool that edits the way text is hilighted, Like on your desktop icons and text.

Recommend a darker color if text is white.
Or a lighter color if text is black.

Custom control panel function - Adds a custom control panel function that does what you define.

------Syntax Examples------
Start C:/ProgramFiles/Program/Program.exe
py - 3 C:/Users/BlondeKid/Desktop/Code.py
Just cmd/batch really.
Adding a path to folder without start just opens the directory

Disable Cortana - 100% Disables Cortana

She annoying and wastes system resources >:(

Custom CMD Font - Takes a .TTF You Define and loads it into the command prompt.	(NOT FINISHED)

Ill get it done someday.
Also needs to be of somewhat reasonable scale
------Good Examples-----

------Bad Examples------
Bungee Inline

Stop WU Force Reboot  - Disables Windows Update from forcibly rebooting

It will throw an error if a path exists, and it wont overwrite any existing keys
It will still make the new keys though, so it works, completely harmless :)

BSOD Keystroke

Run it, and the key combo is this.
hold right ctrl and press scroll lock twice.

___________.__                   __     _____.___.              ._._._.
\__    ___/|  |__ _____    ____ |  | __ \__  |   | ____  __ __  | | | |
  |    |   |  |  \\__  \  /    \|  |/ /  /   |   |/  _ \|  |  \ | | | |
  |    |   |   Y  \/ __ \|   |  \    <   \____   (  <_> )  |  /  \|\|\|
  |____|   |___|  (____  /___|  /__|_ \  / ______|\____/|____/   ______
                \/     \/     \/     \/  \/                      \/\/\/