Pinned issues
- 1
Installation bug related to EPL files
#164 opened by BobbyTheCatfish - 2
Sumi's summer outfits are broken on import
#165 opened by WisteriaSp - 2
Animation Import Error P5R
#162 opened by ErcarA - 1
Feature Goals for v0.3
#148 opened by Pherakki - 0
Feature Goals for v0.4
#163 opened by Pherakki - 2
Unrecognised GFS Container Type
#155 opened by KarleeTDM - 1
- 2
- 1
error trying to export chie dancing model on makoto
#160 opened by ttshenmon - 1
- 3
Metaphor support
#159 opened by Andree12 - 0
External OBJECT model loading
#158 opened by ShrineFox - 1
GAP Animations won't load
#154 opened by yahi-ko - 2
- 0
Import Type4 (Light?) Animations
#152 opened by Pherakki - 0
Import Morph Animations
#151 opened by Pherakki - 0
Import Camera Animations
#150 opened by Pherakki - 0
Import Material Animations
#149 opened by Pherakki - 0
External Texture Loading
#147 opened by Pherakki - 0
- 0
Import EPL Models as sub-models
#119 opened by Pherakki - 0
Initial EPL Import
#120 opened by Pherakki - 0
- 0
Import option to import unrigged as bone attachments
#143 opened by Pherakki - 2
Ability to load multiple GAPs at once on an armature
#144 opened by Pherakki - 1
Non-uniform scale Rest Pose bones break mesh scales
#142 opened by Pherakki - 0
Make plugin hot-reloadable
#128 opened by Pherakki - 1
Some P5D Morphs will not import with merged vertices
#145 opened by Pherakki - 2
bpy_prop_collection index error on export attempt
#146 opened by R-khi - 1
Loading a GAP applies it to all objects
#141 opened by Pherakki - 1
Add automatic bone linking
#140 opened by Pherakki - 1
Finalise Animation Bounding Boxes
#137 opened by Pherakki - 1
Add git hash to version
#135 opened by Pherakki - 1
- 1
Make the errorlog popup line distance prettier
#133 opened by Pherakki - 1
Move errorlogging to modelSupportUtils
#131 opened by Pherakki - 2
Export error 'list' object has no attribute 'add'
#139 opened by MadMax1960 - 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
Export issue 'list' object has no attribute 'add'
#138 opened by MadMax1960 - 1
- 1
Utility to make unrigged meshes
#123 opened by Pherakki - 1
- 0
- 1
- 5
Plugin crashes when enabling on Blender 3.5
#124 opened by WisteriaSp - 1
Export Error "dict object has no attribute x"
#125 opened by MadMax1960 - 1
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