Ancronym for: Nur eine weitere Betrachtung Erneuerbarer Energien (Yet another contemplation on renewable energy).


Ancronym for: Nur eine weitere Betrachtung Erneuerbarer Energien (Yet another contemplation on renewable energy).

Since there is a discusscion whether or not we are now in the anthroposophical aera or not, we as human kind have to answer for the changes we do to the planet. As the winner of this years "Eurovision Song Contest" stated it: "We are the Heroes of our time", we are all heros... in some way. At least in my childhood what heroes did was saving the planet.

This is a guess, but I think no one has real Superpowers. We want to go to sleep when we are tired and eat when we get hungry. We want to spend time with our loved ones and do something stupid once in a while. So we do not want to be superheroes. At least we don't want to be the only one. And if, we surely won't be the superhero that fights windmills (or in that case atomic powerplants) alone.

What we need is a guide for the era of renewable energy for the casual human being that doesn't know much about energy and all that stuff. This is what this project is trying to do.

Maybe it will fail. But better try and fail then not trying at all