
⚠️ This project is under active development expect breaking changes


To configure your installation see Environment Variables

Docker (recommended):

Docker Hub


docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 27015:27015/udp -v cs-server-manager_volume:/data phiis/cs-server-manager:latest


    image: phiis/cs-server-manager:latest
      - cs-server-manager_volume:/data
      - 27015:27015/udp
      - 8080:8080


Download the binary from releases

Run with ./cs-server-manager


Default API path: /api/v1

Default Swagger UI path: /api/swagger/index.html

Web UI

Web UI


This project is designed to only run on Linux (for now).
For development with Windows, WSL2 can be used

Before every commit please run make ready


  • Go version 1.22 or higher
  • NodeJs v20.17.0
  • Steamcmd requires lib32gcc-s1 to run. sudo apt install lib32gcc-s1

Setup local development environment


git clone https://github.com/Phi-S/cs-server-manager.git
cd cs-server-manager

go get -C backend/
npm install --prefix frontend/


Status endpoint: http://localhost:8080/api/v1/status

WebUI: http://localhost:8090

backend only:

make backend

frontend only:

make frontend



make build


docker build -t cs-server-manager .

Generate swagger docs with swaggo/swag:

If the command swag was not found, add the following lines to your .bashrc and restart your terminal

export GOPATH="$HOME/go"
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin


go install github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag@v1.16.3
swag init --dir backend -o . -ot json

Generate api-documentation.md with widdershins:

npm install widdershins@v4.0.0

make doc

Environment variables

Those environment variables can also be set via an .env file.
It should be located in the same folder as the cs-server-manager binary or in the backend folder for development

IP string current public IP This IP is returned with the status endpoint to generate the connection url.
If no specified, the current public ip will be used.
HTTP_PORT string 8080 The API / WebSocket port
CS_PORT string 27015 CS 2 server port. This port will be reported with the status endpoint to generate the connection URL
DATA_DIR string {working directory}/data The base data directory for all CS server files
LOG_DIR string {DATA_DIR}/logs Location of the CS server logs
SERVER_DIR string {DATA_DIR}/server The CS 2 server directory.
After installation this folder will be around 30 GB is size
STEAMCMD_DIR string {DATA_DIR}/steamcmd The steamcmd directory
ENABLE_WEB_UI bool true If set to true, the backend will host the WEB UI
ENABLE_SWAGGER bool true If set to true, the backend will host the swagger UI


Default plugins list

By default, following plugins are available via one click install.

If you want your plugin to be in this default list, please add it to the default_plugins.go file.

Custom install actions

Some plugins require additional steps after installation for them to work correctly.
For example: Metamod requires a line to be added in the gameinfo.gi for it to work.
For Metamod, this action will be automatically executed if you try to install metamod_source(name must match) as dependency for your custom plugin.

If your plugin requires such an action add it to the custom_install_actions.go file.

Custom plugins.json

It is also possible to create your own plugins list.

To create your own list create a file called plugins.json in the {DATA_DIR}(By Default /data) directory.

This will overwrite the default plugin list, so only the plugins defined in the new plugin.json will be available for installation.

At the moment only .tar.gz and .zip files are supported

The install_dir field is the directory in which the downloaded content gets extracted to.
/ means /{SERVER_DIR}/game/csgo.

Example plugins.json

    "name": "CounterStrikeSharp",
    "description": "CounterStrikeSharp allows you to write server plugins in C# for Counter-Strike 2/Source2/CS2",
    "url": "https://github.com/roflmuffin/CounterStrikeSharp",
    "install_dir": "/",
    "versions": [
        "name": "v264",
        "download_url": "https://github.com/roflmuffin/CounterStrikeSharp/releases/download/v264/counterstrikesharp-with-runtime-build-264-linux-8f59fd5.zip",
        "dependencies": [
            "name": "metamod_source",
            "install_dir": "/",
            "version": "2.0.0-git1313",
            "download_url": "https://mms.alliedmods.net/mmsdrop/2.0/mmsource-2.0.0-git1313-linux.tar.gz",
            "dependencies": null
    "name": "Cs2PracticeMode",
    "description": "Practice mode for cs2 server based on CounterStrikeSharp",
    "url": "https://github.com/Phi-S/cs2-practice-mode",
    "install_dir": "/addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins/",
    "versions": [
        "name": "0.0.16",
        "download_url": "https://github.com/Phi-S/cs2-practice-mode/releases/download/0.0.16/cs2-practice-mode-0.0.16.tar.gz",
        "dependencies": [
            "name": "CounterStrikeSharp",
            "install_dir": "/",
            "version": "v264",
            "download_url": "https://github.com/roflmuffin/CounterStrikeSharp/releases/download/v264/counterstrikesharp-with-runtime-build-264-linux-8f59fd5.zip",
            "dependencies": [
                "name": "metamod_source",
                "install_dir": "/",
                "version": "2.0.0-git1313",
                "download_url": "https://mms.alliedmods.net/mmsdrop/2.0/mmsource-2.0.0-git1313-linux.tar.gz",
                "dependencies": null


The endpoints /files or /configs in the WebUI can be used to edit local files (for example the server.cfg file).

By default following files can be edited:

  • Files witch end with .cfg in /game/csgo/cfg
  • Files witch end with .json in /game/csgo/addons/counterstrikesharp/configs
  • Files witch end with .json or .cfg in /game/csgo/addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins

Custom entries can be added by creating the file editor-files.json in the DATA_DIR

If a editor-files.json file exist, the defaults will be overwritten

Files will only show if they exist

Example content of editor-files.json:

        "path": "/path/to/file.txt",
        "extensions": null
        "path": "/game/csgo/cfg",
        "extensions": [
        "path": "/game/csgo/addons/counterstrikesharp/configs",
        "extensions": [
        "path": "/game/csgo/addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins",
        "extensions": [