
This repo provides high-performance code for newly AI model serving written in Tensorrt APIs (C++).

Primary LanguageC++


This repo provide code for newly AI model serving written in Tensorrt APIs (C++).

Yolov5 Yolov6 Yolov7 YoloX

image info


  • tensorrt
  • opencv
  • eigen

First, build base_detect:

cd base_detect/build && cmake .. && sudo make install && cd ../..

then build model, ex yolox:

cd yolox/build && cmake .. && sudo make install && cd ../..

and build tracking algorithm, ex bytetrack:

cd bytetrack/build && cmake .. && sudo make install && cd ../..

and build test code

cd test/build && cmake .. && make 

Or simply run setup bash file

bash setup.bash


assets and checkpoints here (tensorrt 8.4)

Finally, test model

cd test/build 
./det_yolox ../../zidane.jpg ../../test.jpg

./det_yolox ../../palace.mp4 ../../test.mp4

./track_bytetrack_yolox ../../palace.mp4 ../../test.mp4

For new model, first check size of input and output

./new_model ../../model.engine

put the size of model in the model config (.cpp file)

/******************* model configuration **********************/
#define DEVICE 0
// model config
const string model_path = "../../new_model.engine";
int inputw = 640;   // change here
int inputh = 640;   // chane here
float nms_thresh = 0.4;
float conf_thresh = 0.5;

Model convert from .onnx -> .engine

cd /usr/src/tensorrt/bin
./trtexec --onnx=path_to_onnx_model --saveEngine=path_to_save_engine_model --fp16 --verbose

In case of yolov5, you should convert from .pt file using the released version >=6.0 (the older released version may not work well)

With yolov7.pt -> yolov7.onnx, convert without nms (remove flag --end2end), identical to Yolov6. From Yolov7.

python export.py --weights yolov7.pt --grid --simplify --topk-all 100 --img-size 640 640 --max-wh 640

Int8 quantization (coming soon)

The results
