
You are a good developer. This is a summary of the resources, readings and news I've read and found interesting to share over the past few weeks.

Primary LanguageRust



Releases are published every Thursday, every 2 weeks, except in case of unavailability or lack of links.

Last Release: 2024.07.08 - 2024.09.14

Usage, memory note:

./scripts/release 20240527_20240602
# ./scripts/release 20240527_20240602 --delete

This command will generate a release/20240527_20240602 directory containing the markdown files from the draft/20240527_20240602 directory, with the contents of the default template located in draft/TEMPLATE.md. The entry point for the draft directory is the README.md file. This file can include other markdown files with the following syntax #include <file.md>.

Note that the markdown files beginning with _ are not included in the release directory.

The --delete option will delete the draft/20240527_20240602 directory after publish a new release.


$ tree draft/

├── 20240527_20240602/
│   ├── README.md
│   ├── _file1.md  (## Hello World)
│   ├── file2.md   (## Hello Friends)
│   └── _file3.md  (## Hello Dev's)

$ cat draft/20240527_20240602/README.md

#include <_file1.md>

#include <file2.md>

**Example Title**  

#include <_file3.md>

--- THE END ---

$ ./scripts/release 20240527_20240602

$ tree release/

+├── 20240527_20240602/
+│   ├── README.md
+│   ├── file2.md
 └── feed.xml

$ cat release/20240527_20240602/README.md

# 2024.05.27 - 2024.06.02

Hello and welcome to another issue of weekydevia. This is a summary of the
resources, readings and news I've read and found interesting to share this week.

Links may be out of date, this is not a newsletter about new resources only.

## Hello World

## Hello Friends

**Example Title**  

## Hello Dev's