
Flask & AWS Lambda website backend written in Python for Iberia Incidents Tracking WebApp. Set up to be fully CI/CD.

Primary LanguagePython


Website Here - Please either register using your .ie.edu email, or log in using the test credentials: test[at]final.com, password: final

Main Modules:

SERVER_Backend (/PythonFiles) - Hosted on AWS Lightsail:

  • api.py -> Flask Backend API. Routes to user registration, user authentication, and data pulling for the dashboard.
  • User_Manager -> Just one script, representing the User Datamodel (I know I should have used the official way of doing a user datamodel with SQLAlchemy, but I got hooked with GitHub Actions right before the deadline :D)
  • Data_APIs -> Three scripts that handle SQL generating logic (based on the frontend filters), Datacleaning, and a main file (data_retriever_clean.py)
  • Others:
    • DockerFile (self-explanatory),
    • getconnection.py -> Creates & returns a connection (with AWS RDS).

LAMBDA_DataProcessor - Runs on AWS Lambda:

  • s3dbprocessor.py -> Main function, that has the lambda_handler function to trigger the process. Is triggered by an object being added to S3.
  • datahandling.py -> Loads the files, verifies them, and processes the data into two summary tables.
  • DBmanager.py -> Handles upserting data to the Database. Upsert = Update Row if Exists OR Insert


  • As I said before, I caught a late obsession for CI/CD and decided to build my own deployment script for Lightsail. Pretty cool stuff. Next step is using the serverles framework for Lambda, will save me a ton of time in other projects too.

P.S. Sorry for not writing a more extensive documentation, and for the 0 comments in the code. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.