Homework assignments for the AI subject at PJWSTK (NAI)
- K-Nearest Neighbour trained and tested on iris class data.
- Used for detection of iris classes.
- Implementation of a discrete, unidirectional perceptron.
- Perceptron implementation:
- discrete,
- unidirectional.
- Used for detection of iris classes.
- Implementation of a single layer neural network.
- Perceptron implementation:
- continuous,
- unidirectional,
- sigmoidal activation function.
- Test data provided for 4 languages using Wikipedia articles.
- Includes parser for reading and structuring test data.
- Used for naive detection of language by learning on letter frequencies.
- K-Means algorithm tested on iris class data.
- Used for finding iris clusters.
- Naive Bayes algorithm run on car class data.
- Allows for inputting new examples.