
Hosted now on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/Phil404/RiotAPI // RiotAPI is a PHP Package for the League Of Legends API by RiotGames

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Api Endpoints and Calls

Note: All Endpoints and Objects are based on the documentation https://developer.riotgames.com/api-methods/

Endpoint: ChampionMasteryV3

Call Parameters Return
getMasteries() string $region, int $summonerId Array[ChampionMastery]
getMasteryByChampion() string $region, int $summonerId, int $championId ChampionMastery
getScore() string $region, int $summonerId int

Endpoint: ChampionV3

Call Parameters Return
getChampions() string $region Array[Champion]
getChampionById() string $region, int $championId Champion

Endpoint: LeagueV3

Call Parameters Return
getChallengerLeague() string $region, string $queue LeagueList
getLeagueById() string $region, string $leagueId LeagueList
getMasterLeague() string $region, string $queue LeagueList
getAllLeaguePositionsForSummoner() string $region, int $summonerId Array[LeaguePosition]

Endpoint: LoLStaticDataV3 (in progress)

Note: Parameters are optional parameters in the api like 'version' or 'tags'
Call Parameters Return
getChampions() not implemented not implemented
getChampionById() not implemented not implemented
getItems() not implemented not implemented
getItemById() string $region, int $id, array $parameters Item
getLanguageStrings() string $region, array $parameters LanguageStrings
getLanguages() string $region Array[string]
getMaps() string $region, array $parameters MapData
getMasteries() not supported request if needed
getMasteryById() not supported request if needed
getProfileIcons() string $region, array $parameters ProfileIconData
getRealms() string $region Realm
getRunes() not supported request if needed
getRuneById() not supported request if needed
getSummonerSpells() string $region, array $parameters SummonerSpellList
getSummonerSpellById() string $region, int $id, array $parameters SummonerSpell
getVersions() string $region Array[string]

Endpoint: LoLStatusV3

Call Parameters Return
getStatus() string $region ShardData

Endpoint: MatchV3 (not implemented)

Call Parameters Return
getMatch() not implemented not implemented
getMatchlist() not implemented not implemented
getRecentMatchlist() not implemented not implemented
getMatchTimeline() not implemented not implemented
getMatchIdsByTournamentCode() not implemented not implemented
getMatchByTournamentCode() not implemented not implemented

Endpoint: SpectatorV3

Call Parameters Return
getCurrentGameInfoBySummoner() string $region, int $summonerId CurrentGameInfo
getFeaturedGames() string $region FeaturedGames

Endpoint: SummonerV3

Call Parameters Return
getSummonerById() string $region, int $id Summoner
getSummonerByAccountId() string $region, int $id Summoner
getSummonerByName() string $region, string $name Summoner

Endpoint: ThirdPartyCodeV3

Call Parameters Return
getBySummonerId() string $region, int $summonerId string