Address Book


Downloads data about friends from social networks ( and twitter) and makes CSV file for exporting into google contacts.


./ --vk VK_ID --twitter Twitter_ID [--output FILE] or ./ and then add VK and Twitter friends. Then click merge. And, finally, save button.


./ --vk 44232785 --twitter 891227432


  • --vk id — id of user, whose friends would be imported
  • --twitter id — id of twitter user, whose friends would be imported
  • --output filename — name of CSV file


  • pip3 install TwitterAPI


Test for this project

Subsidiary functions.

  • translit(string) — translitirates string from English to Russian
  • distance(a, b) — Calculates the Levenshtein distance between a and b
  • extract_name_parts(fullname) — splits fullname into first name and last name
  • extract_phone(input_string) — extracts phone number from input_string
  • extract_date(input_string) — extracts datetime from input_string
  • normalize_name(input_string) — extracts datetime from input_string
  • get_input(question, choice=('y', 'n')) — prints question into console until the answer isn't in choice
  • equal(val1, val2) — returns similarity coefficient of val1 and val2
  • absolutely_equal(val1, val2) — return 1 if val1 is equal to val2 and 0 otherwise
  • VK_API — class for getting friends from
    • get_friends(user_id) returns friend list of user with user_id
  • Twitter_API — class for getting friends from
    • get_friends(user_id) returns friend list of user with user_id
  • CSV_Generator — class for generating CSV-data

Describes classes for handling friend info.

  • Friend — general friend class
    • __init__(**kwargs) — accepts userdata as **kwargs dict
    • merge(other) — merges self and other or raises ValueError
    • is_mergeble(other) — checks if it is possible to merge self and other automatically
    • is_similar(other) — checks if self and other look similar (may be need to be merged)
  • VK_Friend(Friend) — vk friend class inherited from Friend.
    • __init__(**kwargs) — accepts data in format of VK API.
  • Twitter_Friend(Friend) — twitter friend class inherited from Friend.
    • __init__(**kwargs) — accepts data in format of Twitter API.

Describes AddressBook main class (implementation should be inherited from this one).

  • AddressBook — main class
    • _wrong_id() — abstract method, describes program behavior if either twitter or vk id is wrong
    • save_CSV(filename=None) — abstract method, saves result CSV file
    • get_friends() — abstract method, gets user id and returns friend list
    • _merge_friends(friend1, friend2) — abstract method, returns Friend object, merged from friend1 and friend2
    • merge_friend_list() — abstract method, merges all friends in self friend list
    • _merge_friend_lists(friends, set_percentage=None) — merges friends in friends list. Calls set_percentage(percentage) on each step.