
Web scraping 'Key to Scientific Names in Ornithology' before it is removed from Handbook of the Birds of the World.

Primary LanguagePython


Web scraping 'Key to Scientific Names in Ornithology' before it is removed from Handbook of the Birds of the World.

  1. Use Scrapy to download the dictionary content from 2,162 pages into a CSV file.
  2. Convert the CSV file to an HTML file.

1. Use Scrapy

  • Install Python and Scrapy. Follow the documentation, create a new project hbw.
  • Write pages_spider.py to pull out all the pages in full. (File saved in hbw/hbw/spiders).
  • Write blocks_spider.py to pull out just the dictionary entries and defintions, save to a CSV file:
scrapy crawl blocks -o blocks.csv
  • The dictionary entries were found on two different matching CSS selectors (for the odd and even rows).
  • The output is sorted with rows: Page0 odd, Page0 even, Page1 odd, Page2 even, ...

2. Convert CSV to HTML

  • Extra Python script extra.py loads the CSV file as a Pandas dataframe.
  • Use empty string for blanks, sort by the dictionary entry (case insensitive).
  • Using a string for HTML head and tail, take the rows of the dataframe and create HTML for each entry.
  • Write the output to an HTML file with a table.