
Automated Arch Linux Install Scripts

Primary LanguageShell

Install and Configure Arch Linux

Basic Archlinux setup script. Install minimum system to enable other apps and tools to be installed after a reboot.

Install X Windows, apps and configuration in separate scripts (e.g. https://github.com/PhilT/dotfiles).

It makes some assumptions.


  • Only input is machine and a password (sets both user and root to the same)
  • single GPT partition and swap file (plus UEFI partition) WARNING - Existing partitions will be deleted
  • adds entries into fstab
  • installs base system with chroot
  • British English Language, UK keyboard and UK mirrorlist
  • ntpd for time sync
  • syslinux UEFI bootloader (UEFI=false for BIOS). Uses LTS as fallback (handy for when regressions occur in the kernel)
  • Network management with netctl and systemd (WIFI and Ethernet)
  • Sets hostname
  • Enables sshd for servers
  • sensors
  • installs base-devel git vim dialog bash-completion
  • For time sync, adds a user with sudo access Default: phil (me!), override with e.g. NEWUSER=joe
  • enable multilib
  • Sets some build flags for AUR to optimise build speed
  • Adds no password needed for shutdown and reboot
  • Adds users SSH keys to home dir
  • Adds Github key to known_hosts
  • clones my dotfiles into workspace (default: ~/ws) and sets up symlinks Overrides: WORKSPACE=~/myworkspace PUBLIC_GIT=git@github.com:YourName DOTFILES_SYNC_CMD=bin/sync.sh


Boot an Arch Linux Live CD (https://www.archlinux.org/download/) and run the following commands. Make a note of the IP address:

echo 'PermitRootLogin yes' >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
systemctl start sshd
ip a

If setting up on a laptop you may need:


On the host, copy over the SSH keys (for Github):

scp ~/.ssh/id_rsa* root@IPaddress:~

Then run the installer:

ssh root@IPaddress
INSTALL=all bash <(curl -Ls http://goo.gl/tKEBG9)

I do it this way round as I don't always have sshd available on the host (Windows machine). Also, SSHing into the guest to run the install gives you scrollback on the host (and it's easier to copy the command to run or rerun it).

If you don't want to install everything, omit INSTALL and specify what you want:

NOPASS_BOOT=true bash <(curl -Ls http://goo.gl/tKEBG9)

Install everything except the no pass on boot:

INSTALL=all NOPASS_BOOT=false bash <(curl -Ls http://goo.gl/tKEBG9)

If you mess something up and need to rerun the installation, simply unmount the drive and rerun the install. The existing partition will be removed. The bootloader will get upset, however, so once you're done testing it's best to start from scratch:

umount -R /mnt

Take a look at the script for all the options and variables.


The accompanying file common is from the arch-install-scripts project.

System-wide configuration files that will be modified by this script are first copied to a file with the extension .original (e.g. /etc/pacman.conf.original).

All other options are specified as env variables.

  • MACHINE=<name> - specify the hostname (and sets some options). Prompts if not specified
  • PASSWORD=<password> - Insecure but handy for testing (prompts if not specified)
  • INSTALL=all - everything except REBOOT
  • INSTALL=dryrun - does not execute commands (only logs)
  • REBOOT=true - unmount and reboot at the end. You can also do this manually with umount -R /mnt && reboot


Initially all commands and output is sent to /tmp/install.log. Once the partition is mounted the log file is moved to /mnt/home/user/install.log. On a dryrun logging is simply sent to ~/install.log.

Login with chroot (after installation but before reboot). Useful for further testing:

arch-chroot /mnt su [username]

Logs in with username or root.


Basically all of https://wiki.archlinux.org! It's an amazing resource!