
DRY your node project package, build, test and library choices

Primary LanguageCSS

JLUE - JavaScript Glue

My defaults for project structure, package management, build and test tools, UI framework and other libraries for responsive browser development.

Some goals

  • Have a single place to manage dependencies and build system across projects
  • A canonical reference for my technology choices
  • A way to potentially build up a simple, focused framework
  • Best practice for Semantic HTML5, JS, CSS


  • Stylus files are all imported from styles/main.scss
  • node_modules are not included in source control
  • Let editors handle lint watching (still provide build step). npm handles watching CSS and JS compression
  • Watching contains debug info and source-maps
  • Builds are production-ready


The tasks in package.json are not designed to run in Windows. Since that's not a platform I use for development. However a simple solution is to install GitBash from Git for Windows. Having the bash commandline available in Windows is very useful.

Summary of libraries used

Summary of libraries NOT used

  • Bootstrap, Element UI, etc - Material Design is where it's at
  • CoffeeScript - I believe JS can be beautiful enough
  • Grunt, gulp, etc - for simple tasks npm does a fine job
  • JQuery - It's less important these days, speed gains using native, build my own, specific library
  • Express - may use this depending on requirements
  • Component, Duo, etc - Browserify is enough for now


Create or update a project

jlue <folder>
cd <folder>
npm install

Update an existing project

cd <folder>
npm run update-all # this could star all the libs in package.json to allow
              # them to be updated to the latest versions.

Once in your created project

You'll want to choose and download your Material Design theme.

There's a default theme in lib/material.min.css. Replace it with your downloaded theme.

Watches in debug mode (folder, source-maps, debugging, etc)

npm run watch

Builds in production mode (compresses, no source-maps, no debugging)

npm install

Start a server on port 8080

npm start

Rationale for some of the library choices

Stylus - Stylesheets

Sass requires Ruby and Node-sass requires Visual Studio. So I looked elsewhere and found Stylus. Clean syntax, feature-rich, decent support.

JS - Wut?!

Unlike HTML and CSS I don't believe a sensible intermediate language exists yet for JavaScript. It's a programming language not a scripting language (anymore).

Likewise, JQuery got us through the dark ages of front-end development but legacy support requirements have all but gone (unless you're in one of those companies). Frameworks come and go (and boy they sure do) but JavaScript and the DOM remains.


Why does every library need to implement a watcher? Keep it light and consistent and use nodemon.

Material Design Lite

A lot of thought has gone into the Material Design spec and I like the common sense rules. On top of that MDL uses standard HTML, CSS and JS without requiring heavy frameworks.

Inspired by


  • Prod test with no dev modules installed