I no longer maintain this project, however you can find updated releases here:-absolutePowershell
Copy the com.absolute.api folder to your C:\Program Files (x86)\WindowsPowerShell\Modules directory to make the module available to the entire machine and all users.
In a new powershell console execute Import-Module com.absolute.api to add the module to that session.
Create an authentication token by calling the Set-AbsoluteAuth function.
Example: $myAuth = -apiToken "<Token>" -apiSecret "<Secret>"
Commands Available
Get-Device - Gets the full api output for that device, max 100 devices per call. Reponse is an opject so can be used like $ for example
-auth -Authentication token created above
-DeviceList -List of device ESN's or Serial numbers used to find the devices
-SerialNumbers -Specifies if the list of devices are serial numbers (default is ENS's)
Get-ActiveDevices - gets an array of all active devices. By defult only collects id, ESN, SystemName, systemManufacturer, systemodel, serial, username, domain, lastConnected UTC
-auth -Authentication token created above
-FieldList -Array of additional fields to collect when the fetch is executed. Use comma to seperate values
Example: $test = Get-ActiveDevices -authData $myauth -FieldList,
Invoke-FreezeDevice - Causes a device freeze
-auth -Authentication token created above
-DeviceList -List of device ESN's or Serial numbers used to find the devices
-SerialNumbers -Specifies if the list of devices are serial numbers (default is ENS's)
-RequestName -Name for the Request in the console
-Passcode - 4 to 8 digit unlock pin
-MessageName -(Optional) Name of the Message
-Message -message to disply on the users screen when frozen
-NotifyeMails -list of email addresses to be sent status updates of the freeze
Invoke-UnFreezeDevice - Unfreezes a frozen Device
-auth -Authentication token created above
-DeviceList -List of device ESN's or Serial numbers used to find the devices
-SerialNumbers -Specifies if the list of devices are serial numbers (default is ENS's)
Invoke-UnEnrollDevice - Removes a device permanantly from the Absolute system.
-auth -Authentication token created above
-DeviceList -List of device ESN's or Serial numbers used to find the devices
-SerialNumbers -Specifies if the list of devices are serial numbers (default is ENS's)
Get-DeviceCdf - Creates an object that contains any existing custom defined fields for the device and available CDF's that can be added
-auth -Authentication token created above
-Device -Device ESN's or Serial numbers used to find the device
-SerialNumber -Specifies if the device is a serial numbers (default is ENS's)
Methods Available on Object:
get(<CDF Name>) - Provide the name of the CDF to get, value is returned
set(<CDF Name>, <CDF Value>) - Name of the CDF to set and the value to set, returns True if sucessfull. NOTE: Dates are parsed into the correct format for api so you should be ok to use local, best to use mm/dd/yyyy if possible
available() - Returns a list of available CDF's for account used in Get-DeviceCDF
Set-DeviceCdf - Updates CDF data into the Absolute plaform, requires the output from a Get-DeviceCdf as an input
-auth -Authentication token created above
-CdfData -Object created from a get-DeviceCDF call.
**Eample use of Set-DeviceCdf**
#Create the object
$myCdf = Get-DeviceCdf -auth <auth> -device "<ESN>"
#Set as many values as you like
$myCdf.set("Warranty Start Date", "02/23/2019")
$myCdf.set("Assigned Username", "Mr Alan, P. India")
#Save the changes back to the api
Set-DeviceCdf -auth <auth> -Cdfdata $myCdf
Convert-UnixDateTime - Allows for pipeline conversion of Unix timestamp date/time to human readable
-FieldList -List of field names to convert
**Eample use of Convert-UnixDateTime**
Get-ActiveDevices -auth $abtAuth | Convert-UnixDateTime -FieldList lastConnectedUtc