
The aim of this project

Kitchen is a web application designed to manage recipes. I wrote this program myself in my spare time.
I mainly worked on it for about 3 months when I was also looking for a job in April 2023.

I have the feeling that I've made the source code slightly more complicated than it needed to be.
Lately, I've been trying to adopt a different way of working by simplifying the code I write as much as possible. This makes it easier to read, while getting the results I need in the shortest possible time.

I hope to have the time to rewrite part of this program using this new way of working. I would also be able to port it to the LTS version .NET 8 rather than its current target version which is .NET 7.


This section presents the back-end server, consisting mainly of an ASP.NET API.
I haven't separated this project into many different layers because it doesn't really have a business logic. So I adopted a simpler architecture. The API communicates with the DAL, which is a library of classes that in turn communicates with the database located in a SQL server.

The database is created via Entity Framework from C# code. I also took the time to write a database seed to make my application more realistic.
This database is also accessed via Entity Framework.


I've chosen to use the authentication and authorization provider Auth0. As a result, you can connect to the site via Bearer Token.
Auth0 allows you to create an account or log in to the site completely securely.


I can confess to you that I also took advantage of this project to try out new things.
For example, I created a test database with the same seed as the real database but contained in a Docker container.
I also started to create an xUnit integration test project using this test database.

Link to the frontend Angular project

This repository contains only the back end.
To examine the front end, you can consult my project created with Angular, a framework for creating web site user interfaces using TypeScript, at this address : KitchenNG-repo.