Donation Processing API

Table of Contents

  1. Technology Stack
  2. File Structure
  3. Authentication
  4. How to Run Locally
  5. API Endpoints
    1. User Registration
    2. User Login
    3. Create Wallet
    4. Set Transaction PIN
    5. Create Donation
    6. Get Donation Counts
    7. Get Single Donation
    8. Get Donations in a Period
    9. Process a Donation

1. Technology Stack

  • Node.js - Server-Side JavaScript Runtime
  • Express.js - Web Application Framework for Node.js
  • MySQL - Relational Database Management System
  • Sequelize - Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) for MySQL
  • Render - Deployment and Hosting Platform

Test Informations


2. File Structure

  • App.js: Main application file
  • routes/: Express route definitions
  • controllers/: Controller functions for routes
  • models/: User, Donation, Wallet, TransactionPin models
  • middlewares/: Middleware for error handling and validation
  • utils/: Utility functions, e.g., AppError
  • env/: Environment variables
  • package.json: Project dependencies
  • package-lock.json: Dependency lock file

3. Authentication

Authentication is required for specific API endpoints, and actions are performed based on the authenticated user's context. The API uses JWT (JSON Web Tokens) authentication for secure user identification.

JWT Authentication

JWT authentication is employed to ensure the security and integrity of user access. Users obtain a token upon successful login, and this token is used for subsequent authenticated requests to the API. JWT tokens are issued with an expiration time and contain user-specific information.

  • Token Issuance: When a user logs in successfully, the API issues a JWT token that is included in the response.

  • Token Expiration: JWT tokens have an expiration time, typically set to a specific duration after which the token becomes invalid. Users must re-authenticate once the token expires.

  • Token Inclusion: To authenticate API requests, clients include the JWT token in the Authorization header of their HTTP requests.

Authorization: Bearer <jwt-token>

## 4. How to Run Locally

To run the API locally, follow these steps:

npm install
npm run dev

### 51. user-registration

 To register a user, you can make a POST request to


### Signup User

- Route: /signup
- Method: POST
- Body:

{ "email": "", "password": "Password1", "fullname": "jon doe", "username": 'jon_doe", }

- Responses


{ "status": "success", "message": "User created successfully", "user": { "id": 1, "fullname": "jon doe", "username": "jon_doe", "email": "", "password": "$2a$10$/zQR3FMaFBRNZrevT9hBK.k.ReyVn9WogEdl/0ikub8GNAWxyR5aK", "updatedAt": "2023-09-22T20:46:01.158Z", "createdAt": "2023-09-22T20:46:01.158Z" } }

#### 52. user-Login

 To login, simply make a post request to


### Login User

- Route: /login
- Method: POST
- Body: 

{ "email": "", "password": "Password1" }

- Responses


{ message: 'Login successful', token: 'sjlkafjkldsfjsd' }

####    create-Wallet

    To create a wallet, simply make POST request 

- Route: /wallet
- Method: POST
- Body: 

{ "userId": 1, "walletName": 'starter', }

- Responses


{ message: "Wallet created successfully"


    - Get Wallet

To gete a wallet, simply make GET request 

- Route: /wallet
- Method: GET

- Responses


{ "balance": 0, "walletName": "starter", "currency": "NGN" }

## create Pin

  To create a transaction pin for a user, simply make POST request 

- Route: /set-pin
- Method: POST
- Body: 

{ "userId": 1 "transactionPin": 2222, "confirmTransactionPin": 2222, }

- Responses


{ message: 'Transaction PIN set successfully' token: 'sjlkafjkldsfjsd' }

# Donation Processing API Documentation

This documentation provides an overview of the endpoints and functionality of the Donation Processing API.

## Table of Contents

- [Endpoints](#endpoints)
  - [Create a New Donation](#create-a-new-donation)
  - [Get Donation Counts](#get-donation-counts)
  - [Get a Single Donation](#get-a-single-donation)
  - [Get Donations in a Period](#get-donations-in-a-period)
  - [Process a Donation](#process-a-donation)

## Introduction

The Donation Processing API allows users to create and manage donations. Additionally, it provides the functionality to process donations, such as sending thank-you messages when a user has made multiple donations.

## Endpoints

### Create a New Donation

- **URL**: `/api/donations`
- **Method**: `POST`
- **Description**: Create a new donation record.
- **Request Body**:
  - `donorId` (integer, required): The ID of the user making the donation.
  - `beneficiaryId` (integer, required): The ID of the user receiving the donation.
  - `amount` (float, required): The donation amount.
  - `message` (string, optional): An optional message from the donor.
- **Response**: Status code and JSON response.

### Get Donation Counts

- **URL**: `/api/donations/count/:userId`
- **Method**: `GET`
- **Description**: Get the count of donations made by a specific user.
- **Request Parameters**:
  - `userId` (integer, required): The ID of the user to retrieve donation counts for.
- **Response**: Status code and JSON response.

### Get a Single Donation

- **URL**: `/api/donations/:userId/:donationId`
- **Method**: `GET`
- **Description**: Get details of a single donation.
- **Request Parameters**:
  - `userId` (integer, required): The ID of the user who made the donation.
  - `donationId` (integer, required): The ID of the donation to retrieve.
- **Response**: Status code and JSON response.

### Get Donations in a Period

- **URL**: `/api/donations/:userId`
- **Method**: `GET`
- **Description**: Get a list of donations made by a specific user within a specified time period.
- **Request Parameters**:
  - `userId` (integer, required): The ID of the user to retrieve donations for.
- **Query Parameters**:
  - `startDate` (string, required): The start date of the period (YYYY-MM-DD).
  - `endDate` (string, required): The end date of the period (YYYY-MM-DD).
  - `page` (integer, optional): Page number for pagination.
  - `pageSize` (integer, optional): Number of results per page.
- **Response**: Status code and JSON response.

### Process a Donation

- **URL**: `/api/donations/message/:userId`
- **Method**: `POST`
- **Description**: Process a donation for a specific user. Sends a thank-you message if the user has made multiple donations.
- **Request Parameters**:
  - `userId` (integer, required): The ID of the user to process the donation for.
- **Response**: Status code and JSON response.

## Conclusion

This API provides the functionality to manage donations, track donation counts, and send thank-you messages to users who have made multiple donations. It can be integrated into your application to support donation-related features.