
Coding challenge repository for DeakinSEC

Deakin SEC Coding Challenges

Welcome to the Deakin SEC coding challenges repository.

All of the challenges that we will be presenting will appear inside the challenges directory, using the following hierachical structure.

		README.md (challenge description)

Submitting Solutions

To submit a solution to a challenge:

  1. Fork this repo (or fetch any updates if you've forked previously)
  2. Clone down a local copy
  3. Add your solution file to the challenge folder in the solutions sub-directory
    • e.g. add challenges/challenge-01-greatest-common-divisor/solutions/<username>_gcd.py
  4. Stage the file and commit
  5. Submit a Pull Request
  6. Post a screenshot (or text snippet) of the output in #problems in DSEC slack.

This process follows the general rules outlined in detail (with guides) here