Platform Test


  • Back end API, MVC style
    • Heartbeat endpoint for testing & monitoring
  • Player modeling
    • SQL database with migrations
    • Create (and Show, for debugging) endpoint
  • Battle initiation
    • queued for async processing using redis queue
  • Leaderboard implementation
    • uses a redis sorted set so this is fast

Out of Scope (Also known as: things I didn't get to in time!)

  • Battle processor & battle engine logic, this looked fun, but I didn't get there
  • Auth (I like basic auth headers and JWTs for authz policies, can use redis cache to make this fast, bring it into middleware)
  • Hosting
  • Deployment (and CI/CD)

I might have done more, but I wanted to do things to a reasonable standard and Python isn't my native language. Overall I'm happy with what I achieved; I aimed for extensibility and believe it would be pretty easy to keep working on this application and smooth the rough edges to make it production-ready.


  • pipenv – environment & dependency management
  • git - source control
  • asdf - language version management
  • postman - API development & QA
  • vscode – code editor
  • macOS - Mojave 10.14.6

Technology Choices

  • python - 3.6.7
  • flask – web framework
  • sqllite – db (not acceptable for production, it's gitignored to make the demo convenient)
  • SQLAlchemy – ORM
  • flask migrate - db schema migrations
  • pytest - test runner
  • pylint - (editor integrated) linting
  • redis queue - async battle processing
  • redis - 4.0.2 powers the queue, provides fast access & convenient data structures for leaderboard
  • dotenv - secrets are injected into the application environment and excluded from the git repo


Install deps (and any required tools not installed):

pipenv install

Establish .env from .env sample:

cp .env.sample .env

Create database & run migrations for dev and test dbs:

pipenv run flask db upgrade
TESTING=1 pipenv run flask db upgrade

You will need to start Redis in whatever way appropriate for your system. I am using RedisApp.

Run tests:

pipenv run pytest

Run the web server:

pipenv run python

Import the postman collection into postman, then try out the requests!