Visual Studio Code RHAMT Extension

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The Visual Studio Code (VSCode) and Eclipse Che extension for the Red Hat Application Migration Toolkit (RHAMT).

RHAMT (the product of the downstream project Windup) is a command-line Application Migration and Modernization Assessment tool.

The documentation for RHAMT can be found here.


This extension is published here in the Microsoft Visual Studio Marketplace.

To add this extension to a VSCode installation, open VSCode, navigate to the Extensions Marketplace View, and search using the keyword rhamt.

VSCode Extension Marketplace View


This extension provides the ability to analyze, assess, and migrate source code (using RHAMT) from within VSCode and Eclipse Che.

The look and feel of both VSCode and Eclipse Che are very similar; therefore, the functionality demonstrated below should be consistent between the two environments.

Configuration Editor

Use the configuration editor to setup the analysis.

Configuration Editor

Jump to Code

Jump to code containing identified migration issues.

Configuration Wizard

Issue Details

View details about the migration issue.

Configuration Wizard


Use the generated reports to better understand and assess the migration efforts.

Configuration Wizard

Eclipse Che

This extension is supported in Eclipse Che 7.4.0 or higher.

To add this plugin to a Che workspace, open Che, navigate to the plugins tab, and search using the keyword migration.

Eclipse Che Plugin

Alternatively, to add this plugin to a worksace, open Che, navigate to the Plugins view, and search for the Application Migration Migration and Modernization using RHAMT plugin.

Eclipse Che Plugin


  • Java Platform, JRE version 8+ with JAVA_HOME environment variable
  • A minimum of 4 GB RAM; 8 GB recommended

Tip: The rhamt-cli can be installed from within VSCode once the extension has been installed.

Extension Settings

This extension contributes the following settings:

  • rhamt.executable.path: The location of the rhamt-cli.


$ npm run compile

