This application will calculate a persons age if they lived on a different planet in the solar system.
- Download repository from
- Type npm install from the command line interface
- Type npm run start from the command line interface
- If you'd like to alter or see the code for the project, after downloading open the project up in your favorite code editor.
No known bugs at this time.
If you have problems or would like to comment about something feel free to contact me at
This website uses HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript and jQuery
Spec | Input | Output |
Program Gathers User Input - Earth | User input: 10/04/1982 | Output: 36 Earth years |
Program Gathers User Input - Mercury | User input: 10/04/1982 | Output: 150 Mercurian years |
Program Gathers User Input - Venus | User input: 10/04/1982 | Output: 58 Venusian years |
Program Gathers User Input - Mars | User input: 10/04/1982 | Output: 19 Martian years |
Program Gathers User Input - Jupiter | User input: 10/04/1982 | Output: 3 Jovian years |
Program Gathers User Input - Earth | User input: 10/04/1982 | Output: 42 approximate Earth years left |
Program Gathers User Input - Mercury | User input: 10/04/1982 | Output: 175 approximate Mercurian years left |
Program Gathers User Input - Venus | User input: 10/04/1982 | Output: 67 approximate Venusian years left |
Program Gathers User Input - Mars | User input: 10/04/1982 | Output: 22 approximate Martian years left |
Program Gathers User Input - Jupiter | User input: 10/04/1982 | Output: 3 approximate Jovian years left |
Copyright (c) 2019 Philip Eskins