Sunspot Regions Scraper

A minimal region scraper for spaceweatherlive. It will scrap regions from START_REGION (atm hardcoded to 8124) to END_REGION (atm hardcoded to 13425) and output the region info and the top 10 info to two separate csv files.


A recent (18.17 as of this writing) version of NodeJS


  • Clone this repository
  • Install packages (npm -ci)
  • Run the program (npm run start)

Command line options

If you want to observe the program progress as it runs run it with the --verbose option (npm run start -- --verbose)


The program outputs three files:

  • sunspot-regions.csv: the main output data file for each region
  • top10.csv: the secondary output data file for the top 10 sunspots in said region. Important: Not all regions contain top 10 information
  • errors.txt: the URLs that couldn't be scraped due to format misalignment, non existing information, etc.


Many thanks to Giorgos Karanikas for his technical contribution on achieving a proper scraping result.