Hubla test

this project works with Nestjs as backend and Next.js as frontend


Backend project is located inside api folder. It is a nestjs project and follow the nestjs documentation.


Frontend project is located inside app folder. It is a next.js project and follow the next.js documentation.

For the design system was use Material-UI react components

install dependences

this project is a monorepo project and works with yarn workspaces. So to install the dependencies install yarn in your node enviroment and run:

yarn install


each project have an .env file where you can setup for:

  • frontend .env
  • backend .env
    • DB_HOST
    • DB_PORT

Running locally in development mode:

# start database instance with
docker-compose up   
# after mysql is running
yarn dev
# this command will run backend and frontend apps

after runs you can access http://localhost:3000 for frontend and http://localhost:3001/docs swagger docs

Running unit tests:

# this command will run backend tests
yarn test:api
# or to run in watch mode
yarn test:api:watch

# this command will run front tests
yarn test:app
# or to run in watch mode
yarn test:app:watch

For build:

# this command will run build for backend and frontend projects
yarn build

after build command runs. The builded file will be located on api/dist for backend and app/.next for frontend.