
SchulScheduler ist eine Anwendung zur Berechnung von Stundenplänen für Grundschulen und weiterführende Schulen. Die Anwendung wurde ursprünglich im Rahmen eines Studienprojekts an der Universität Stuttgart entwickelt.

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION


SchulScheduler ist eine Anwendung zur Berechnung von Stundenplänen für Grundschulen und weiterführende Schulen. Die Anwendung wurde ursprünglich im Rahmen eines Studienprojekts an der Universität Stuttgart entwickelt. Dieses GitHub Repository enthält einen Fork des ursprünglichen Repository, basierend auf Gradle, JavaFX 13 und ohne Xtend.

Development Environment

Java and JavaFX

Install OpenJDK 13+ and JavaFX 13+ (following this guide). This essentially means downloading the zipped distributions from http://jdk.java.net/ and https://gluonhq.com/products/javafx/, unzipping them to appropriate locations and pointing the JAVA_HOME/PATH_TO_FX environment variables there (for JavaFX it might be the lib/ subdirectory). Also make sure that $JAVA_HOME/bin is on the PATH. See this tutorial for linux command line instructions. In case of WSL, be sure to use /etc/profile instead of ~/.bashrc so that Windows/MinGW does not see the changes.


Install Gradle as described here, e.g. through SDKMAN!


This should work with the free Community version.


The instructions below are for building SCIP from source. It might be possibile to download and install the platform-specific SCIP binaries instead, especially when JSCIPOpt doesn't have to be built anymore but can be used as a jar file.

Download scipoptsuite-x.y.z.tgz from here and extract it to ./scip/scipoptsuite. Follow these installation instructions. That is, first build the shared library in the downloaded scipoptsuite directory, then download and build JSCIPOpt (on WSL if host is Windows):

cd .../schulscheduler/scip
git clone https://github.com/SCIP-Interfaces/JSCIPOpt.git

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DSCIP_DIR="$(realpath ../..)/scipoptsuite/build"

# Check if it works
cd Release
java -cp scip.jar:examples.jar Quadratic

If on Windows, additionally do this in PowerShell after installing CMake and possible some MSVC stuff:

cd ...\schulscheduler\scip\scipoptsuite
cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" -S. -Bbuild-windows
cmake --build build-windows --config Release
# This may produce many compiler warnings.

cd ...\schulscheduler\scip\JSCIPOpt
mkdir build-windows
cd build-windows
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" -DSCIP_DIR=C:\...\schulscheduler\scip\scipoptsuite\build-windows
cmake --build . --config Release

# Check if it works (after this, close your shell to have a cleaner PATH again)
$env:Path +=";C:\Users\Philipp\repos\schulscheduler\scip\scipoptsuite\build-windows\bin\Release"
cd Release
java -cp "scip.jar;examples.jar" Quadratic