
An Ansible playbook for the Trend Micro Deep Security agent

MIT LicenseMIT


An Ansible playbook for the Deep Security Agent. This playbook allows you to easily deploy the Deep Security Agent as well as take some common operations from the agent.


This is a community project that is supported by the Trend Micro Deep Security team.

Tutorials, feature-specific help, and other information about Deep Security is available from the Deep Security Help Center.

For Deep Security specific issues, please use the regular Trend Micro support channels. For issues with the code in this repository, please open an issue here on GitHub.


All of the tasks in this repository require a working Deep Security infrastructure. The key component is the Trend Micro Deep Security Manager. The Deep Security Agents (which these playbooks help you manage) do the heavy lifting but the Deep Security Manager gives the orders.

There are no specific technical requirements beyond a standard Ansible deployment.


There are no dependencies.


Below are sample usages for the playbook:

For deploying agents to a non-multi-tenant Deep Security Manager
- hosts: all
    - role: deep-security.deep-security-agent
      operation: deploy
      dsm_agent_download_hostname: deep.security.manager.host
      dsm_agent_download_port: 4119
      dsm_agent_activation_hostname: deep.security.manager.host
      dsm_agent_activation_port: 4120
      policy_id: 1
      group_id: 1
      force_reactivation: false
For deploying agents to a multi-tenant Deep Security Manager (like Deep Security as a Service)
- hosts: all
    - role: deep-security.deep-security-agent
      operation: deploy
      dsm_agent_download_hostname: app.deepsecurity.trendmicro.com
      dsm_agent_download_port: 443
      dsm_agent_activation_hostname: agents.deepsecurity.trendmicro.com
      dsm_agent_activation_port: 443
      tenant_id: 111A111A-1A1A-11AA-AAA-11AA11111111
      token | tenant_password: 111A111A-1A1A-11AA-AAA-11AA11111111
      policy_id: 1
      group_id: 1
      force_reactivation: false


Definition for possible operations to be performed in this role, for required variables please refer to Variables.

Operation Description Variables
deploy The deploy task includes the install and activate playbooks internally. dsm_agent_download_hostname
policy_id (Optional)
group_id (Optional)
force_reactivation (Optional)

For multi-tenancy only:
install The install task downloads and installs the Deep Security Agent. The installation is skipped if an agent of the same version is already installed. If a newer version of Deep Security Installer is already installed, then the version is upgraded. dsm_agent_download_hostname
activate The activate task activates the Deep Security Agent by registering it in Trend Micro Deep Security Manager. By default, activation is skipped if the agent is already activated, unless the force_reactivation attribute is set to true. dsm_agent_activation_hostname
policy_id (Optional)
group_id (Optional)
force_reactivation (Optional)

For multi-tenancy only:
set-policy-by-name Change the agent's policy via policy name policy_id
set-policy-by-id Change the agent's policy via policy id policy_name
check-in-with-manager Ask the agent to contact the manager now. N/A
create-diagnostic-package Generate an agent diagnostic package. N/A
create-integrity-baseline Rebuild the integrity monitoring baseline on the computer. N/A
run-recommendation-scans Initiate a recommendation scan on the computer. N/A
scan-for-integrity-changes Scan for changes for integrity monitoring N/A
scan-for-malware Initiate a manual anti-malware scan N/A
update-configuration Instruct the Deep Security Manager to perform a "Send Policy" operation. N/A


Key Type Description Sample
action String Name of the operation to be performed (deprecated—please use operation instead) See Operations
operation String Name of the operation to be performed See Operations
dsm_agent_activation_hostname String The hostname for the agents to communicate with once deployed. For Marketplace and software deployments, this is typically the same hostname as 'dsm_agent_download_hostname'. agents.deepsecurity.trendmicro.com
dsm_agent_activation_port Integer The port used for the agent heartbeat (the regular communication). For Marketplace and software deployments, the default is 4120. 443
dsm_agent_download_hostname String The hostname of the Deep Security Manager. app.deepsecurity.trendmicro.com
dsm_agent_download_port Integer The port to connect to the Deep Security Manager to download the agents. This is typically the same port as the one used to access the Deep Security Manager administration interface. 443
force_reactivation Boolean Force re-activation even if the Deep Security Agent has already been activated. false
group_id String The Deep Security ID assigned to the computer group and applied to the agents on activation. 1
policy_id String ID of the Deep Security Policy to be assigned to the agents. 1
policy_name String Name of the Deep Security Policy to be assigned to the agents. Base Policy
tenant_id String In a multi-tenant installation (like Deep Security as a Service), this identifies the tenant account to register the agent with.
Multi-tenancy only
token/tenant_password String In a multi-tenant installation (like Deep Security as a Service), this identifies the tenant account to register the agent with. In latest Deep Security Manager, "tenant_password" has been replaced with "token". "tenant_password" has been kept for backwards compatibility.
Multi-tenancy only

How to contribute

We're always open to PRs from the community. To submit one:

  1. Fork the repo.
  2. Create a new feature branch.
  3. Make your changes.
  4. Submit a PR with an explanation of your changes or additions.

We'll review your content and work with you to make sure the fix gets pushed out quickly. For further help, please contact the Trend Micro open source support team at deepsecurityopensource@trendmicro.com.