
In the last couple of weeks I learned Data Analysis with the book "Python for Data Analysis". To better myself in the field I try to do some projects with real-world-examples

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


In the last couple of weeks I learned Data Analysis with the book "Python for Data Analysis". I thought it would be quite helpful as I'm trying to dip my toes into the ML-field. To better myself in the Data-analysis I try to do some projects with real-world-examples

The Corona-file outlines some interesting facts about the mortality and infection rate in Germany and then compared to other countries in the world. The Datasets are from the Robert-Koch-Institut for the german data and from Kaggle for the international dataset

The Movies-file makes use of an dataset containing movies with other interesting info like their genre, production-companie, Ratings and many more. This allowed me to so some data-wrangling because the data was pretty messy at first. After that I could derive some interesting facts by computing the genre with the best rating or the production-companies with the best movies (these two are correlated).

The Videogames-file isn't as big and you only have so many variables to try and derive useful information from. This was a little project which was done in little time.