Hi there 👋

I'm a Software Developer / IT Admin / IT Educator / Tech / OpenSource Enthusiast / Environmental Activist living in Chemnitz, Germany. Interested in everything web.

  • 👀 Eyes on: JS 💛, TS 💙, Angular ❤️, React 💙, Java (Android) 🤖, Swift (iOS) 🍎
  • 🔭 I’m currently working on @Finden-App, BaumPate
  • 📫 How to reach me: Twitter @PhilippRath
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning JavaScript (becaouse YDKJS, Python (becouse all the Kids want to learn it)

To Do list

  • plant a Tree
  • start a Family
  • build a Hosue
  • save the Planet
  • initiate a usefull openSource Project