
oddgen demo using an Oracle Database Enterprise Edition with non-CDB architecture

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This project has been deprecated in favor of the docker-odb. This repository will not be updated anymore.

oddgen Demo using an Oracle Database Enterprise Edition


Dockerfile including scripts to build an image containing the following:

  • Oracle Linux 7.4-1.0.4.el7.x86_64
  • Oracle Database Enterprise Edition with non-CDB architecture
    • Sample schemas SCOTT, HR, OE, PM, IX, SH, BI (master branch as of build time)
    • Oracle REST Data Services 3.0.12
    • FTLDB 1.5.0
    • tePLSQL (master branch as of build time)
    • oddgen example/tutorial schemas ODDGEN, OGDEMO (main branch as of build time)

This image supports CDB and non-CDB architecture. The latter is the default. Please note that the non-CDB architecture is deprecated with Oracle See Oracle Database Upgrade Guide for more information.

Due to OTN Developer License Terms I cannot make this image available on a public Docker registry.


Using Default Settings (recommended)

Complete the following steps to create a new container:

  1. Create the container

     docker run -d -p 8080-8081:8080-8081 -p 1521:1521 -h odb --name odb phsalvisberg/oddgendemo
  2. wait around 25 minutes until the Oracle database instance is created and APEX is updated to the latest version. Check logs with docker logs -f -t odb. The container is ready to use when the last line in the log is Database ready to use. Enjoy! ;-). The container stops if an error occurs. Check the logs to determine how to proceed.

Feel free to stop the docker container after a successful installation with docker stop -t 60 odb. The container should shutdown the database gracefully within the given 60 seconds and persist the data fully (ready for backup). Next time you start the container using docker start odb the database will start up.


Environment Variables

You may set the environment variables in the docker run statement to configure the container setup process. The following table lists all environment variables with its default values:

Environment variable Default value Comments
MULTITENANT false Set to true if you want to create a database with CDB architecture.
DBEXPRESS true Set to false if you do not want to use Enterprise Manger Database Express.
APEX true Set to false if you do not want to install Oracle Application Express (container will be created faster).
ORDS true Set to false if you do not want to install Oracle REST Data Services.
DBCA_TOTAL_MEMORY 2048 Memory in kilobytes for the Database Creation Assistent.
GDBNAME odb.docker Global database name, used by DBCA
ORACLE_SID odb Oracle System Identifier
SERVICE_NAME odb.docker Oracle Service Name (for the container database)
PDB_NAME opdb1 Name of the pluggable database
PDB_SERVICE_NAME opdb1.docker Oracle Service Name for the pluggable database
APEX_PASS Oracle12c! Initial APEX ADMIN password

Here's an example run call amending the PASS environment variable skip APEX installation:

docker run -e PASS=manager -e APEX=false -d -p 8080-8081:8080-8081 -p 1521:1521 -h odb --name odb phsalvisberg/oddgendemo

Here's an other example createing a container database and extending the database port ranges to cover a total of three pluggable databases:

docker run -e MULTITENANT=true -d -p 8080-8081:8080-8081 -p 1521-1523:1521-1523 -h ocdb --name ocdb phsalvisberg/oddgendemo


The image defines a volume for /u01/app/oracle. You may map this volume to a storage solution of your choice. Here's an example using a named volume odb:

docker run -v odb:/u01/app/oracle -d -p 8080-8081:8080-8081 -p 1521:1521 -h odb --name odb phsalvisberg/oddgendemo

Here's an example mapping the local directory $HOME/docker/odb/u01/app/oracle to /u01/app/oracle.

docker run -v $HOME/docker/odb/u01/app/oracle:/u01/app/oracle -d -p 8080-8081:8080-8081 -p 1521:1521 -h odb --name odb phsalvisberg/oddgendemo

Please note: Volumes mapped to local directories are not stable, at least not in Docker for Mac 1.12.0. E.g. creating a database may never finish. So I recommend not to use local mapped directories for the time being. Alternatively you may use a volume plugin. A comprehensive list of volume plugins is listed here.

Change Timezone

The default timezone of the container is UTC. To query the available timezones run:

docker exec odb ls -RC /usr/share/zoneinfo

To change the timezone to "Central European Time (CET)" run the following two commands:

docker exec odb unlink /etc/localtime
docker exec odb ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Zurich /etc/localtime

Restart your container to ensure the new setting take effect.

docker restart -t 60 odb

Access To Database Services

Enterprise Manager Database Express


User Password
system oracle
sys oracle


Property Value
Workspace INTERNAL
Password Oracle12c!

Database Connections

To access the database e.g. from SQL Developer you configure the following properties:

Property Value
Hostname localhost
Port 1521
SID odb
Service odb.docker

The configured user with their credentials are:

User Password
system oracle
sys oracle
apex_listener oracle
apex_rest_public_user oracle
apex_public_user oracle
ords_public_user oracle
scott tiger
hr hr
oe oe
pm pm
ix ix
sh sh
bi bi
ftldb ftldb
teplsql teplsql
oddgen oddgen
ogdemo ogdemo

Use the following connect string to connect as scott via SQL*Plus or SQLcl: scott/tiger@localhost/odb.docker


Complete the following steps to backup the data volume:

  1. Stop the container with

     docker stop -t 30 odb
  2. Backup the data volume to a compressed file odb.tar.gz in the current directory with a little help from the ubuntu image

     docker run --rm --volumes-from odb -v $(pwd):/backup ubuntu tar czvf /backup/odb.tar.gz /u01/app/oracle
  3. Restart the container

     docker start odb


Complete the following steps to restore an image from scratch. There are other ways, but this procedure is also applicable to restore a database on another machine:

  1. Stop the container with

     docker stop -t 30 odb
  2. Remove the container with its associated volume

     docker rm -v odb
  3. Remove unreferenced volumes, e.g. explicitly created volumes by previous restores

     docker volume ls -qf dangling=true | xargs docker volume rm
  4. Create an empty data volume named odb

     docker volume create --name odb
  5. Populate data volume odb with backup from file odb.tar.gz with a little help from the ubuntu image

     docker run --rm -v odb:/u01/app/oracle -v $(pwd):/backup ubuntu tar xvpfz /backup/odb.tar.gz -C /
  6. Create the container using the odbvolume

     docker run -v odb:/u01/app/oracle -d -p 8080-8081:8080-8081 -p 1521:1521 -h odb --name odb phsalvisberg/oddgendemo
  7. Check log of odb container

     docker logs odb

    The end of the log should look as follows:

     Reuse existing database.
     Database ready to use. Enjoy! ;-)


Please file your bug reports, enhancement requests, questions and other support requests within Github's issue tracker:


This Dockerfile is based on the following work:


docker-oddgendemo is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.

See OTN Developer License Terms and Oracle Database Licensing Information User Manual regarding Oracle Database licenses.