Provides a helper for yeoman generators that wraps the prompt method with code that will exclude any prompts for data that has been supplied via options.
To install use
npm install yeoman-option-or-prompt --save
To use it, just add optionOrPrompt as an internal function on your generator and call it in place of the yeoman-generator prompt
var yeoman = require('yeoman-generator');
var optionOrPrompt = require('yeoman-option-or-prompt');
module.exports = yeoman.generators.Base.extend({
_optionOrPrompt: optionOrPrompt,
prompting: function () {
var done = this.async();
// Instead of calling prompt, call _optionOrPrompt to allow parameters to be passed as command line or composeWith options.
type : 'input',
name : 'name',
message : 'Your project name',
default : this.appname // Default to current folder name
}], function (answers) {
You can also pass options to subgenerators, with:
compose: function () {
this.composeWith('node-webkit:download', { options: this.options });
this.composeWith('node-webkit:examples', { options: this.options });
Now if another app calls your generator, they can supply values for each of your prompts with the options parameter. Alternatively, a user can supply values for your prompts on the command line:
yo single-page-app --name="App that saves the world."