DV1512 Security project in a group, focus on system development

In today's digital landscape, security is paramount for any software development project, especially when it involves web applications. This project will delve into a software development project with a primary focus on security. The project aims to create a website that simulates surveillance cameras and allows users to switch them on and off at will. However, the unique aspect of this project lies in its emphasis on identifying and mitigating potential security vulnerabilities through attack simulations.


  • Login page
  • As Admin you can
    • Ability to add and delete cameras (Add cameras with right-click)
    • Reboot cameras if they are down
    • See log for changes
    • Change the status for each camera
    • See the camera feed
  • As a normal user you can
    • See the status for each camera
  • Functional database
  • Responsive website
  • Google Maps
    • Shows camera(s)
    • Fullscreen mode


Download/clone the project and run it in the terminal

pip install -r requirements.txt

To run the simulation


To turn off and clean up the running processes

make clean

Attack scenarios

Since this is a simulation of IP Surveillance systems we have implemented 3 attack scenarios that are likely to happen in the wild.

  1. SQL Injection on the login page
  2. (D)DoS Attack against Cameras
  3. Be able to switch them on and off as an admin user The last 2 attacks were implemented in a bash script that can be run in the console. This script is called SpyCam.sh and this can be run as follows.
  • chmod +x SpyCam.sh
  • ./SpyCam.sh

The script will explain each step you have to take to run a successful attack against the simulation.

But you can also run it in the browser if you move into the folder called pyxtermjs or check out this github https://github.com/cs01/pyxtermjs. If you clone the project from his repository you need to change the port it starts from port 5000 to something like 7000. (This is done already in the folder provided in our repository)

High-level overview

The project is mainly written with python3, JS, HTML and CSS with Google Maps used for the map seen on the front page overview. It should be run within Ubuntu on a VM of your choosing. The cameras and front end are run with a Python flask. Since we can't simulate real cameras we had to create a framework that acted as the cameras. This made the simulation almost entirely work with the HTTP request as the communication protocol.

bild This is what the user sees when the login page is accessed, we have created 2 users.

  1. User with the highest access, with the credentials admin:admin. This user can change the status of the camera, add and delete cameras and also reboot them with a push of a button.
  2. A normal level user with the credentials user:user that is used mainly for checking the live feed from the cameras. This is what the attacker will use for the entry point. bild This is what is seen when the user has logged in as an admin. Here the user can move around the map, check the status and live feed for each camera, and add and delete cameras. The user can also check the log file in the log tab to see if anything fishy has happened to the site.

