Text-based game inspired by World of Zuul
Naam van het project: GOTH
Doel van het project: World of Zuul Hybride
Ontwerpers: Adra Philipse
Versie of datum: 21-11-2017
Hoe je dit project kunt starten: Download de .zip, pak het uit en laad het in BlueJ
go -up
back (Goes back to previous room)
quit (Quits the game)
help (Show all commands)
look (Prints the location again)
equip (equip used for backpack)
take (take item from room)
drop (drops item in current room)
travel (travel to location set by settrain)
settrain (beamer, set train to location)
use (use in a room with an event)
talkto (talk to character)
time (show the time remaining)