
ScalaCheck extension methods and JDK8 / Joda time typeclass instances

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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scalacheck-ops (1.x) scalacheck-ops_1-12 scalacheck-ops_1-13 scalacheck-ops_1-14
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A library that provides ScalaCheck implicits and helper methods made available via:

import org.scalacheck.ops._

See the use cases section for use cases and operations that are enabled with scalacheck-ops.



NOTE Version 1.x lives under the "me.jeffmay" organization. Version 2.x lives under "com.rallyhealth"

NOTE Version 2.x and above requires JDK >=8 and Scala >=2.11 as this library expects the java.time standard library module.

NOTE As of scalacheck-ops >=2.0, the version of scalacheck is always included in the artifact name. Prior to this change, scalacheck-ops with no version suffix would pull in ScalaCheck version 1.12.6.

Artifact Name Version Limit ScalaCheck Supported JDK Supported Scala
scalacheck-ops_1-14 x >= 2.0 1.14.0 8 2.11
scalacheck-ops_1-13 x >= 2.0 1.13.4 8 2.11
scalacheck-ops_1-13 1.5 <= x < 2.0 1.13.4 6 - 8 2.10 - 2.11
scalacheck-ops_1-12 x >= 2.0 1.12.6 8 2.11
scalacheck-ops x < 2.0 1.12.6 6 - 8 2.10 - 2.11

The same source code is compiled against specific versions of Scala and ScalaCheck. We use separate artifacts to avoid causing issues with transitive dependencies on ScalaCheck being evicted with binary incompatible versions.

ScalaTest Compatibility

Specifically, when using this library with ScalaTest you might notice the following exception:

java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Found class org.scalacheck.Gen, but interface was expected

This is because you need scalacheck-ops_1-13 for ScalaTest 3.0.x

ScalaTest Version ScalaCheck Version
2.2.x 1.12.6
3.0.x 1.13.4

Use Cases

Converting Gen to Iterator

Probably one of the most used features of this library is when you want to use generators for testing properties as well as testing single case unit tests. In plain ScalaCheck, you are able to call the Gen.sample method to get an Option[T] from a Gen[T]. However, for single unit tests, you need a T, so you could call .get on the option, but this option could be empty if the sample is filtered. ScalaCheck handles this internally by limiting the number of attempts, but it does not expose this logic for the developer. This library provides a safe way (and some unsafe ways) to get values out of a Gen:

import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalacheck.ops._

val genEvens = Gen.choose(1, 10).suchThat(_ % 2 == 0)
val exampleEven = genEvens.getOrThrow

By default, .getOrThrow will make 100 attempts to get a value out of the generator before giving up. You can lower or raise this amount with:

val exampleEven = genEvens.getOrThrow(10)

In addition to getting a single value, you can convert a Gen into an Iterator or Iterable:

val evens = genEvens.toIterable

By default, this iterable attempts a max of 100 times for each sample before giving up and throwing an exception. This is the safer default, however, if you are willing to risk an infinite loop (because you are not worried about your filters blocking indefinitely), you can use:

val evens = genEvens.toUnboundedIterator

But if your filters are lenient enough, then this should almost always be the same as calling .toIterator but the choice is yours.

Generating Sets

One thing that is missing from ScalaCheck is a performant way to generate Sets of an arbitrary or specific size. The naive implementation is insufficient:

val genSetOf3 = Gen.listOfN(3, Gen.oneOf(0 to 10)).map(_.toSet[Int])

This may work in some of the early and simple cases, but when you run it long enough, you will find sets of size 1 and 2. This is because Gen.oneOf uses a psuedo-random number generator, which will on occasion have duplicates. When you call .toSet it will filter out the duplicates and leave you with a smaller Set than you wanted.

In a similar manner to generating iterators mentioned above, this library gives you a method to generate a specific sized Set (or throw an exception after a predefined number of tries).

import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary.arbitrary
import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalacheck.ops._
val genSetOf3 = Gen.setOfN(3, Gen.oneOf(0 to 10))
// or give up on building the Set after 10 duplicates
val genSetOf3 = Gen.setOfN(3, 10, Gen.oneOf(0 to 10))

Generating Strings a specific size

Let's say you have a password validator that requires strings with a length of 20 characters. If you want to generate only valid passwords, then you could generate strings of length 20.

// vanilla scalacheck
import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary.arbitrary
val genValidPasswords = for {
  cs <- Gen.collectionOfN[Array](20, arbitrary[Char])
} yield new String(cs, "utf-8")

// scalacheck-ops
import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalacheck.ops._
val genValidPasswords = Gen.stringOfN(20)

You could even generate strings within a certain range of characters:

// vanilla scalacheck
import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary.arbitrary
val genValidPasswords = for {
  n <- Gen.choose(20, 40)
  cs <- Gen.collectionOfN[Array](n, arbitrary[Char])
} yield new String(cs, "utf-8")

// scalacheck-ops
import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalacheck.ops._
val genValidPasswords = Gen.stringOfNWithin(20 to 40)

Generating Enums, BitSets, and Binary

Some useful generators that were missing from the vanilla ScalaCheck:

import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalacheck.ops._

object Colors extends scala.Enumeration {
  val Red, Blue, Green = Value

Gen.boolean // Gen[Boolean]
Gen.bits // Gen[BitSet]
Gen.enumValue(Colors) // Gen[Colors.Value]