
In this repository we use @dusty-nv pytorch-ssd example but with this repository we train for marine objects

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Pytorch-SSD for Marine Objects

The objective of this project is to identify marine objects using pytorch-ssd.


This marine SSD repository was inspired by Dusty Franklin’s (@dusty-nv) pytorch-ssd GitHub repository found at the following link:


This is a Single Shot MultiBox Detector using MobilNet. We basically followed his example as was documented at the time and I still documented at the following link.


@dusty-nv has a newer implementation of pytorch-ssd that was just announced (see link below), and we will be trying to implement this once we move to JP4.4 on the Jetson NX.


The models and vision subdirectories are not included here in this GitHub repository and can be copied from the @dusty-nv pytorch-ssd repository if needed or downloaded from the link below.

We have also placed 256MB of data on AWS:


This zip file has the following data:

	/data/open_images/.....    # This is the open_images dataset
	/data/models/....          # This is the models sub directory that should be removed and placed in pytorch-ssd-marine
	/data/vision/....          # This is the vision subdirectory that should be removed and placed in pytorch-ssd-marine

The /data/open_images/... is the dataset with training, test and validation images and appropriate .csv files. Please place the /data/open_images/... under your ~/home directory on the Jetson. The /models/... are the models (including training data) and /vision/... folders should be removed from data and placed in the downloaded pytorch-ssd-marine subdirectory.


We first started with labelimg where we downloaded from the following source:



We created rectangular boxes or labels for all the marine objects (boats and buoys) found in each image using labelimg in the PascalVOC mode. By default labelimg creates a corresponding .xml file for each image. We had 315 .jpg training images and 44 .jpg test images with their corresponding .xml files.


We downloaded a program to create a single .csv file from the .xml files for the training, test and validation subdirectories. We obtained xml_to_csv.py from the following source:


We used xml_to_csv.py to create a single csv file for the training and test datasets.


However, pytorch-ssd wants a sub-train-annotations-bbox.csv or a sub-test-annotations-bbox.csv file that looks like the following:


Some of the columns were obvious and some were not. The LabelName is used pytorch-ssd, but we were unsure how LabelName was created. So, we used the same labels from the gun repository but used /m/06nrc for boat and /m/0gxl3 for a buoy. In the original xml_to_csv.py program the xmin/xmax and ymin/ymax were in pixels. It appeared that in the pytorch-ssd sub-train-annotations-bbox.csv or a sub-test-annotations-bbox.csv files, that they want a fraction of the image to define the object box label. Therefore, we wrote the xml_to_csv2.py program to calculate more of the pytorch-ssd type columns as shown above.

run xml_to_csv2.py in training set subdirectories to create the csv label files as is shown below for the training set of images run on Mac:

python xml_to_csv2.py \
-i /Users/craig/Documents/src/pytorch-ssd/data/open_images/train \
-o /Users/craig/Documents/src/pytorch-ssd/data/open_images/sub-train-annotations-bbox.csv

Still, the sub-train-annotations-bbox.csv had to be altered to conform to the true open_images format that was used in the example repository. We ran a similar script for the test and validation sets too, again altering the xmp_to_csv2.py .csv outputs to conform to the pytorch-ssd open_images requirements.

data open_images subdirectories

On the Jetson NX the full marine dataset should have the following structure in the home directory:


Where under ~/data/open_images/... we have the following .csv files.


The class-description-bbox.csv has all of the LabelNames and descriptions for all pytorch-ssd objects including our new /m/06nrc for boat and /m/0gxl3 for a buoy that was added to this list.

We are unsure if the sub-validation-annotations-bbox.csv file is used, but to be consistent with the examples we did supply some images with the corresponding .csv file as was used in the original example.

Notes: The following commands were used in our processing and are shown below to be used as examples.


#This is pretty fast in Object Detection and near real-time
python3 run_ssd_live_demo.py mb1-ssd models/mobilenet-v1-ssd-mp-0_675.pth models/voc-model-labels.txt '/dev/video1'  # dump core

#Very good and runs well - best
python3 run_ssd_live_caffe2.py models/mobilenet-v1-ssd_init_net.pb models/mobilenet-v1-ssd_predict_net.pb models/voc-model-labels.txt  '/dev/video1'


python3 train_ssd.py --dataset_type open_images --datasets ~/data/open_images --net mb1-ssd --pretrained_ssd models/mobilenet-v1-ssd-mp-0_675.pth --scheduler    cosine --lr 0.01 --t_max 100 --validation_epochs 5 --num_epochs 20 --base_net_lr 0.001  --batch_size 5

final train, batch is number of samples processed

python3 train_ssd.py --dataset_type open_images --datasets ~/data/open_images --net mb1-ssd --pretrained_ssd models/mobilenet-v1-ssd-mp-0_675.pth --scheduler cosine --lr 0.01 --t_max 100 --validation_epochs 5 --num_epochs 100 --base_net_lr 0.001  --batch_size 5

test validation. I do not see this validation set being loaded in training, but the results are near perfect

python3 train_ssd.py --dataset_type open_images --datasets ~/data/open_images --net mb1-ssd --pretrained_ssd models/mobilenet-v1-ssd-mp-0_675.pth --validation_dataset ~/data/open_images --scheduler cosine --lr 0.01 --t_max 100 --validation_epochs 5 --num_epochs 100 --base_net_lr 0.001  --batch_size 5

Test on Image

python3 run_ssd_example.py mb1-ssd models/mb1-ssd-Epoch-19-Loss-2.7059561729431154.pth  models/voc-model-labels.txt ./readme_ssd_example.jpg

python3 run_ssd_example.py mb1-ssd models/mobilenet-v1-ssd-mp-0_675.pth models/voc-model-labels.txt ./45.jpg

run on mp4 file, works great:

#python3 run_ssd_live_demo.py <net type>  <model path> <label path> [video file]
python3 run_ssd_live_demo.py mb1-ssd models/mb1-ssd-Epoch-99-Loss-1.9556251300705805.pth  models/open-images-model-labels.txt ./buoy_boats.mp4

try to use all but marine labels for objects. This works fine, but too many objects.

python3 run_ssd_live_demo.py mb1-ssd models/mobilenet-v1-ssd-mp-0_675.pth models/voc-model-labels.txt ./buoy_boats.mp4

python3 run_ssd_live_demo.py mb1-ssd models/mb1-ssd-Epoch-99-Loss-1.9556251300705805.pth  models/open-images-model-labels.txt ./sail.mp4

mb1-ssd-Epoch-99-Loss-1.9556251300705805 # this is the model from 100 epochs for marine objects