
Proof of Concept vending machine that accepts Ark Bridgechain Cryptocurrency for payment. Runs on ESP32

Primary LanguageC++


Proof of Concept Project -work in progress.

This projects illustrates a vending machine that accepts Ark Cryptocurrency for payment. Basic program flow is working. It approximates the basic features of ArkPay.

Program Features: This program has been tested with ESP32 Adafruit Huzzah however it should also work with ESP8266 modules with minor changes to hardware connections and wifi libraries. This sketch will use the ARK Cpp-Client API to interact with an Ark V2 Devnet node. Ark Cpp Client available from Ark Ecosystem info@ark.io Ark API documentation: https://docs.ark.io/sdk/clients/usage.html

Electronic Hardware Peripherals: Adafruit TFT FeatherWing 2.4" 320x240 Touchscreen


240x320 TFT screen

Description of the current program flow.
-status/debug info is also regularly sent to serial terminal

  1. configure peripherals -setup wifi and display connection status and IP address on TFT Screen -setup time sync with NTP server and display current time -check to see if Ark node is synced and display status
  2. search through all received transactions on wallet. Wallet address is displayed -"searching wallet + page#" will be displayed. text will toggle between red/white every received transaction
  3. number of transactions in wallet will be displayed
  4. home screen displayed with option to select 3 products (only first product does something right now)
  5. select "M&Ms" and QRcode will be displayed. Timer will start
  6. If timer expires then transaction is cancelled and home screen is displayed
  7. If payment is received then it will display the received vendor field and display success
  8. Go back to step 4