
Example CLI using ARK Blockchain SDK

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Example CLI using ARK.io Blockchain SDK

This project is intended to provide an example of how to integrate the ARK.io Blockchain SDK into a node.js application. It implements a command line interface to perform tasks such as check wallet balance, sign / verify messages, and send transactions.

Installation on Ubuntu

  1. Install build essential tools
    sudo apt install build-essential

  2. Install Node Using the Node Version Manager(NVM)
    curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.38.0/install.sh | bash
    source ~/.bashrc
    nvm install v16.15.1

  3. Download ark-cli program
    git clone https://github.com/PhillipJacobsen/ark-cli.git

  4. install program
    cd ark-cli
    npm install
    npm link

  5. In package.json file configure the ip address of your ARK relay node via nodeIP parameter.

  6. In package.json file configure the network(devnet or mainnet) via network parameter.

Using the CLI

To get list of commands: ark-cli --help

To get help on each command: ark-cli <command> --help


  • ark-cli relay Get status of relay node used for accessing blockchain
  • ark-cli validate Validate a wallet address
  • ark-cli peers Get list of peers
  • ark-cli nonce Get nonce of wallet
  • ark-cli balance Get balance of wallet
  • ark-cli sign Sign message using Schnorr algorithm
  • ark-cli verify Verify Signature using Schnorr algorithm
  • ark-cli tx Send transaction with optional smartbridge message
  • ark-cli tx-ipfs Send IPFS transaction

ark-cli relay

Description: Get status of relay node used for accessing blockchain
Options: none

ark-cli validate

Description: Validate a wallet address
--adr wallet address

ark-cli peers

Description: Get list of peers
Options: none

ark-cli nonce

Description: Get nonce of a wallet
--adr wallet address

ark-cli balance

Description: Get balance of a wallet
--adr wallet address

ark-cli sign

Description: Sign message using Schnorr algorithm
--msg Message to be signed
--passphrase Your Private Passphrase(12 words)

ark-cli verify

Description: Verify Signature using Schnorr algorithm
--msg Message to be signed
--publicKey Public key of sender
--signature Message signature

ark-cli tx

Description: Send transaction with optional smartbridge message
--adr Recipient's Address
--amt Amount of coins to send
--fee Transaction fee amount
--passphrase Your Private Passphrase(12 words)
--smartbridge Message to include with transaction(optional)

ark-cli tx-ipfs

Description: Send IFPS transaction Options:
--hash IPFS Hash
--fee Transaction fee amount
--passphrase Your Private Passphrase(12 words)