
Terraform configuration files and an Ansible playbook to start a single-node Redis cluster on a DigitalOcean Droplet.

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DigitalOcean Redis Quickstart

A quick and clean way to start a single-node Redis cluster on a DigitalOcean Droplet.

Getting Started

The following binaries must be present on the host machine:

  • ansible-playbook
  • ansible-galaxy
  • terraform

Clone this repostory and move into it:

git clone https://github.com/PhillipVH/digitalocean-redis-quickstart.git
cd digitalocean-redis-quickstart

Setup Ansible

Install the Redis role from Ansible Galaxy:

ansible-galaxy install DavidWittman.redis

Setup Terraform

Populate the terraform/terraform.tfvars file with your DigitalOcean API key, the path to your private and public keys, and the MD5 fingerprint of your public key. The provided terraform/terraform.tfvars.example file can be used as a reference.

Initialize Terraform:

cd terraform
terraform init

Run the Terraform definition

terraform apply

This command implicitly runs the Ansible playbook on the newly created droplet.

Testing the Cluster

To confirm that everything is working find the IP address of your new Droplet using terraform show, and ping it with Redis:

redis-cli -h <ipaddress> ping

If all went well, the above command will respond with PONG.

Cleaning Up

To destroy the infrastructure created, simply move into the terraform directory and run:

terraform destroy