
Twig functions to access Bolt users in templates

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Twig User Helper for Bolt

This bolt.cm extension adds some twig helper functions to work with Bolt users in your templates.


  1. Login to your Bolt installation
  2. Go to "Extend" or "Extras > Extend"
  3. Type twig-user-helper into the input field
  4. Click on the extension name
  5. Click on "Browse Versions"
  6. Click on "Install This Version" on the latest stable version

Get All Users

The users() function returns all registered users. They are sort by ID and contain even disabled users.

{% for user in users() if user.enabled %}
    {{ user.displayname }} <br>
{% endfor %}

You can also order them by username or any other key on the user object.

{% for user in users()|order('username') if user.enabled %}
    {{ user.displayname }} <br>
{% endfor %}

Get a Single User

The user() function returns a single user array, or null if no user was found. It accepts an ID, an username or an email address as parameter.

{% set user = user(7) %}
{% set user = user('phillipp') %}
{% set user = user('user@email.com') %}


This Bolt extension is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license